The Net Zero con and cultural self-harm: how we have been taken for a ride by very rich homicidal lunatics

Powerful stuff from Douglas Brodie

Intro by Steve Cook

These items were originally published by The White Rose and it is my pleasure to feature them here.

They comprise two letters by Douglas Brodie to the Scottish dodgy MSP Sir Edward Mountain.

They are very powerful and provide an insightful, well-expressed summary of how we, The People, have been taken for a ride by a dying but still dangerous criminal money-aristocracy armed to the teeth with crude psychological warfare weapons (ie, the art of lying).



Net Zero climate change broadside

To: Mr Innes Munro, Constituency Assistant to Sir Edward Mountain, my MSP

Cc: Sir Edward Mountain MSP, Douglas Ross MSP/MP, Reform UK

Bcc: Various

Dear Mr Munro,

My Net Zero climate change broadside

Thank you for your invitation to apply for a place at Sir Edward Mountain’s forthcoming “Let’s Talk Energy Summit”:

… the chance to share your views on Energy in the Highlands and discuss these with a diverse panel of industry professionals from the hydrogen sector, representatives relative to pylons and substations, boiler efficiency and household energy specialists, and Edward Mountain MSP.

I will pass on going to this depressing event. On the plus side, it has given me the pretext and motivation to write this anti-Net Zero broadside which I hope will be conveyed far and wide. The title mimics My Net Zero climate change rant of 18 long months ago.

I have given my views on the futility of the UK’s misguided Net Zero energy policies to Sir Edward (Conservative MSP head of the Holyrood Net Zero Committee) many times previously, e.g. herehere and here. He always chose to fob me off rather than give any written answer to my points.

The gist of my prior emails is that the man-made global warming hypothesis is a decades-old hoax and that it is pointless for the UK to self-harm by striving to reduce CO2 emissions, never mind trying to eliminate them completely and especially not unilaterally when the non-Western world is not paying a blind bit of notice to the West’s climate change” ideology, bar humouring lip service.

My response to contrived alarmist pleading such as 2023 was the hottest in 125,000 years” consists of two words which will be alien to many people, two words which give smoking gun proof that the campaign against alleged man-made global warming (aka “climate change”) is a deceitful conspiracy: Hunga Tonga. All the world can now see that meteorological authorities (e.g. the UK Met Office), the MSM and social media, politicians, COP28 activists and NGOs have conspired to suppress all news and views going against the man-made global warming narrative regarding the climatic impact of the 2022 Hunga Tonga undersea volcanic eruption which spewed massive quantities of water vapour, the most powerful greenhouse gas, high into the stratosphere to cause a huge spike in global temperature.

They obviously did this in order to continue their puerile pretence that every rise in global temperatures is due to man-made CO2 emissions, no matter the true cause. Between the periodic transient spikes of natural El Nino warming in the years prior to the unprecedented Hunga Tonga spike, global temperatures have been hovering close to where they were some 25 years ago despite all the dire predictions – a meteorologically stable situation (discounting the non-CO2 effects) which Net Zero proponents fraudulently describe as a “climate emergency”.

A search for Hunga Tonga on green billionaire-bribed BBC News yields zilch of relevance. They especially want to suppress Hunga Tonga because it confirmed that water vapour is a much more potent global warming agent than CO2. The fatal flaw in the Mickey Mouse scaremongering put out by these globalist conspirators is that it is so easily seen through. According to the UN IPCC’s disputed climate modelling, CO2-forced global warming is supposed to happen at a slow but steady rate of about 0.2°C per decade, not as a sudden jump of 0.9°C in 10 months as happened in 2023, with a minor assist from a relatively weak, now waning El Nino.

My colleague Jaime Jessop has documented this Hunga Tonga chicanery in her Hunga Games and follow-up posts, as has the indefatigable Paul Homewood. Once the Hunga Tonga atmospheric water vapour dissipates, I predict that the global temperature spike will subside into continued flatlining (bar natural ENSO events) followed by a resumption of the global cooling trend which apparently started in 2016, mapping neatly onto the studiously-ignored regular AMO cycle which caused the global cooling scare of the 1960s-70s.

As to the futile “solutions” to the non-problem of “climate change”, technologies like wind power, green hydrogen and carbon capture and storage are hopelessly impractical, ruinously expensive and unsustainable. These pointless malinvestments are being exploited by grifters to make an opportunist profit on the back of false establishment propaganda and never-justified subsidies which have to be paid for by long-suffering, hard-pressed tax-payers, businesses and households.

Sir Edward should instead be seeking to reduce our ever-soaring energy costs and avoid the grid blackouts which are looming because of his disastrous Net Zero policies. The UK came close to minor blackouts last cold, dark, windless December as documented in this post by Jaime Jessop. Far more important are the major blackouts which are guaranteed in the future by our suicidal reliance on weather-dependent renewables and the running down of our essential fossil fuel and nuclear electricity generation capabilities.

The recent T4 electricity supply auction for 2027-28 revealed an almost total failure to secure any new-build CGCT or other large-scale generation, unsurprising given the insane Con/Lab/Lib/SNP Uniparty plans to shut down all fossil fuel electricity generation. These Uniparty politicians are criminally irresponsible in having no credible electricity supply backup plan for when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine, other than severe rationing (smart meters to the fore). Their “crimes against thermodynamics” Net Zero plans are eviscerated in this post by energy analyst David Turver, and this.

Even the climate change fanatics of the bought-and-paid-for Daily Telegraph are backtracking, with Jeremy Warner admitting that unilateral Net Zero is pointless and Matthew Lynn saying that (non-paywalled copy) “Net Zero … is crushing the life out of the economy”. The days of Net Zero are surely numbered, as exemplified by the catalogue of failures in this Net Zero samizdat and this.

Instead of the mis-labelled “green” technologies being pushed by Sir Edward and his colleagues, we should be encouraging domestic fracking and the full exploitation of North Sea oil and gas resources, vigorously developing nuclear power and removing all the Net Zero constraints on fossil fuel energy use, including clean coal. In short, we should scrap Net Zero (new petition), as pledged by the Reform Party, including its suspiciously anti-humanity evolution into a war on farming.

Pursuing astronomically-expensive Net Zero is certain to lead to stunted economic growth, impoverishment and deindustrialisation. Net Zero-provoked industrial tragedies such as the pending shutdown of the Port Talbot blast furnaces and the Grangemouth oil refinery together with ongoing degradations to and malinvestments in our energy infrastructure are reducing the UK to being an insecure basket case, all for the fatuous purpose of offshoring our CO2 emissions.

For years I thought that our politicians were too non-technical to understand these engineering issues. I now believe that impoverishment and deindustrialisation has been their deliberate plan all along, or at least the plan they are following like subservient puppets (or unthinking muppets) at the bidding of their psychopathic globalist overlords who believe that “the real enemy, then, is humanity itself” (Club of Rome). I have never seen any credible rebuttal of this opinion (they would say conspiracy theory), which coincides suspiciously with the hardships and malfeasances inflicted on the people by the deep state’s globally-coordinated, Uniparty-complicit, unlawfulmaligndestructiveeasily seen throughno worse than flu Covid-19 “plandemic”.

Maybe the reason why an unusually high number of MPs have already announced they are standing down at the next general election (95 to date) is because many have belatedly realised they are being used as pawns in globalist conspiracies to commit crimes against humanity. It’s high time for someone in authority to stand up and come clean. Sadly, that is unlikely to happen because they are in too deep, here taunted in parliament on crimes against humanity.

For years the incumbent UK Uniparty political class (Con/Lab/Lib/SNP) has shown deep hostility to the electorate they are supposed to serve. It doesn’t matter which party is in power as they all back the same self-harming, never-endorsed globalist policies like UN IPCC Net Zero, UN Agenda 2030, WHO-controlled “pandemic” preparedness and IOM-facilitated immigration. It is no longer so-called right versus left that should matter to the electorate, it should be freedom versus 1984-style totalitarianism.

In this 3-minute video, Neil Oliver senses that the long-simmering anger of the people against being abused on multiple fronts is coming to the boil and that our unrepentant oppressors are belatedly getting nervous of the storm which could be coming. He continues in the same vein in his latest monologue, ripping into WEF Davos placeman Rishi Sunak and lambasting our useless Uniparty politicians and their globalist controllers. The best hope for the future may be that people stop voting for the lying, treasonous Uniparty, before they try to lock us into their ulterior goal of tyrannical one-world governance.

Yours faithfully,

Douglas Brodie, Nairn, 5 March 2024


The Undemocratic Tyranny of Net Zero

By Doug Brodie

To: Sir Edward Mountain, Conservative MSP for the Highlands and Islands

Cc: Members of the Scottish Government’s committee on Net Zero, Energy and Transport, Mr Douglas Ross MSP, leader of the Scottish Conservatives

Bcc: Various climate realists and a few politicians

Dear Sir Edward,

I note from your newsletter recently delivered by post that you are the convenor of the Scottish Government’s Net Zero, Energy and Transport committee.

I challenge you to publish a defence of the undemocratic tyranny of Net Zero for all your constituents to read. I have been arguing against this madness for years, e.g. in 201520182020 and 2022 but have always been fobbed off without any justification beyond false boilerplate assertions and clichés.

I’ll restrict my commentary to the links above and the following bullet points.

  1. In 2015 Christiana Figueres, then executive secretary of the undemocratic, unaccountable UN IPCC, admitted at a press conference that the ulterior goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.
  2. In 2018 the UN IPCC showed itself to be a complete joke of an institution when, hoist on the petard of its own pseudo-science, it issued its 1.5º Special Report and its Net Zero drive for totally infeasible global emissions cuts within an impossibly short timescale. Analyst Roger Pielke calculated that the world would need to build the impossible equivalent of a 2 GW nuclear power station every day until 2050 to get to Net Zero. This just reinforced the UN IPCC’s own 2015 admission that its real agenda is repressing the global population, controlling global resources and pursuing its UN Agenda 2030 for totalitarian one-world government.
  3. Just this week the UN IPCC issued a hysterical new report repeating their previous climate misinformation nonsense, which strangely never gets challenged by Ofcom or the paid-for globalist fact-checkers, calling for emissions-cutting efforts to be “super-charged”. The mainstream media confirmed that they are bought-and-paid-for globalist shills by bigging it all up and not questioning the obviously false narrative. This panic is very strange given that global temperatures have flatlined (net) for all of this century, with global cooling (as in the 1960s and 70s) the most likely scenario over the next few decades as the naturally cyclical Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (which the UN IPCC choses to ignore) goes through its cold phase. The following bullet points show just how annoyingly detached from reality the UN IPCC has become. It’s high time we ignored them completely.
  4. You and your colleagues have already contrived to saddle the UK with the highest electricity bills in the world through your “climate change” follies, to the economic ruination of many UK businesses and households. Very annoyingly, because it was forewarned many years ago, this “pain” has brought very little “gain” because pre-pandemic the UK was still almost 80% dependent on fossil fuels for its primary energy supplies. (The corresponding figure for the world as a whole was 84% dependency). Equally annoying, many of the meagre gains have come from fiddled statistics: when a business or industry is forced to close down or move abroad, as many have in recent years due to your ruinous policies, its CO2 emissions leave the UK books but when the equivalent goods or products are then imported, they count as emissions free. A simple engineering explanation of why weather-dependent renewables are unviable is given here, as was explained in detail by Chief Scientist Professor Sir David Mackay all of 15 years ago.
  5. Your misguided ongoing Net Zero policies will only make things worse, in particular: continuing down the disastrous energy supply cul-de-sac of yet more hugely-expensiveunviable and hopelessly-insecure wind and solar power; Jeremy Hunt’s recently-announced plan for the nationwide deployment of unproven-at-scale, expensive, energy-inefficient carbon capture and storage, dismissed as “bonkers” all of 9 years ago by energy expert Euan Mearns; pursuing the dead-end of impractical and hopelessly-expensive green” hydrogen; continuing the expensive importation of foreign natural gas rather than pursuing domestic fracking and enthusiastic exploitation of our North Sea oil and gas resources, currently fettered by Hunt’s energy windfall tax; SNP/Green Party refusal to countenance nuclear power or even gas or coal-fired power essential for grid balancing, synchronisation and backup. To be fair, the UK Labour Party’s Net Zero plans would probably be even more destructive.
  6. Global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel energy combustion and industrial processes have been on a rising trend for over a century and there is no realistic prospect of this trend being reversed in the foreseeable future. The graph shows that the unprecedented global Covid lockdowns resulted in only a tiny fallback which has already been cancelled out. The IEA’s 2021 Energy Outlook report shows clearly that the so-called “energy transition” (from fossil fuels to so-called renewables) is a total con. There is no energy transition, just energy addition.
  7. Contrary to the establishment’s false climate change narratives: the level of CO2 in the atmosphere has negligible effect on global climate, see here and here; the level of CO2 in the atmosphere is not controlled by man-made emissions; there is no climate crisis, see hereherehere and here.
  8. While Western countries chose to make themselves increasingly uncompetitive and hollowed-out with expensive, unsustainable, low efficiency so-called renewables, it is clear that most non-Western countries are going to carry on using cheap, efficient and abundant fossil fuels. The UK contributes just 1% to global CO2 emissions which makes the UK’s Net Zero endeavour pointless before it even starts.
  9. The West seems strangely intent on committing economic suicide over this climate non-issue. It has been estimated that Net Zero could cost the USA the staggering sum of more than $50 trillion, as if that could ever be cost/benefit justified. The thuggish threats of the UN’s Mark Carney and BlackRock’s Larry Fink to bankrupt companies which don’t comply with their absurd ESG regulations will only hasten the West’s economic decline. Is that their malign ulterior plan all along? See my Malthusian postulation below.
  10. You have no moral authority to impose unjustified Net Zero privations on our hard-pressed businesses and people to impoverish and constrain them with insecure, unnecessarily-expensive energy and onerous expenses such as on useless heat pumps, user-unfriendly EVs, deliberated-inflated food prices due to your contrived war against farming and “nitrogen” (N2O proved to be a trivial greenhouse gas here; at least the Dutch farmers are fighting back strongly), threatened confinements in “15 minute cities” and who knows what further restrictions and coercions such as food and energy rationing and crushing building energy efficiency standards, all on the fake pretext of “tackling climate change”. It is not valid for you to claim you have a mandate for this just because your election manifesto included Net Zero when every treasonous mainstream political party supports the same tyrannical globalist policy. Collectively you have disenfranchised the electorate on this vital issue.

Prior to the Covid plandemic, during all my years of campaigning against the 2008 Climate Change Act and Net Zero I assumed that the political class was too naïve and non-technical to realise the mistakes they were making and that I could use my expertise (BSc in engineering) to persuade them of the error of their ways. I see now that I made a big mistake.

Post the Covid plandemic, I now realise that the political class could not possibly be so stupid as to believe the fake climate charge/Net Zero narrative they have dishonestly propagated. They sadly brainwashed most of the general public into believing it (although many are now seeing through it) but not themselves, bar maybe a few “useful idiots”. They have clearly been lying to us about climate change/Net Zero for years, just as they did with Covid.

I assert that you, Sir Edward, and your treasonous Net Zero co-conspirators have sought to inflict grievous harm and oppression on the people of this country on behalf of your shadowy globalist overlords as a putative Malthusian “one-world government” implementation of bullet point 1 above.

I further assert that your Net Zero skulduggery is another crime against humanity on top of the pre-planned Covid crimes against humanity committed over the last three years, summarised in my last but one post and my “swan song containing a chronological index and links to all my online posts in the comments.

Evidence that the political class will use any unlawful means they can (remember the Nuremburg Code) as a pretext to subjugate and digitally shackle the general public has already been presented by multiple sources, e.g. via the Fuellmich Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity trial, summing-up here.

It is obvious that with the exclusion of Big Pharma, the global Net Zero tyranny is being driven by broadly the same set of criminal conspirators who drove the coldly-calculated, democidal Covid plandemic which cannot be put down to panic, blunders and incompetence: an Anthem for Justice.

It is ironic that I developed the immunity to state-sponsored propaganda that I needed to help expose the Covid scam from years of fighting against the always-unbelievable climate change scam.

It is pleasing to note that momentum is building on Covid lawsuits against criminal politicians and officials, e.g. here (criminal complaint against the Swiss President and Minister of Health); here (US civil action against Pfizer); here (Andrew Bridgen, details to follow. Watch plandemic-complicit MPs scuttle from the commons chamber when he stood up to speak about Covid vaccine injuries and deaths, with 12,000 comments under the video); here (Sturgeon reported to the police for Scottish care homes malfeasance) and here (Bill Gates charged with murder in India on top of being “indicted” by Fuellmich).

Sir Edward be warned, you and your political class co-conspirators gave the game away with your evil Covid plandemic.

Yours faithfully,

Douglas Brodie, Nairn, 21 March 2023

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About Steve Cook 2317 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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