The War on Humanity – what went wrong?

October 30, 2021 0

by Watchdog Resistance to getting vaccinated is now huge with, to take just two among many examples, the NHS set to lose thousands of staff and some US cities a third of their police force […]


Lest we forget the victims of government crime

November 15, 2020 1

by Boudicca Lest we forget On top of their manifold other crimes, the Enemies of the People masquerading as our government have humanitarian crimes against our parents, grand parents and great grandparents they must answer […]


We’re “following the science!” Really?

July 19, 2020 0

Oxford epidemiologists: suppression strategy is not viable Yesterday we published a short interview with Professor Carl Heneghan about his extraordinary finding that the Public Health England daily death totals included anyone who has ever tested […]


Has the NHS been saved or emasculated?

July 11, 2020 0

by Jon Davy As you will see, the following statement is anonymous for very good reasons. Anonymous statements are hard, of course, to verify but this one has sufficient ring of truth to it and […]