The War on Humanity – what went wrong?

"It'll all be over by Christmas" they thought.  Not a chance!

by Watchdog

Resistance to getting vaccinated is now huge with, to take just two among many examples, the NHS set to lose thousands of staff and some US cities a third of their police force over the vax mandates.

The globalist-captured government is having to work ever harder to force the mandates in and keep its floundering offensive from being derailed.

The very fact that concerns over vax safety among capable and level-headed people such as law enforcement officers and medical staff are so considerable as to prompt thousands of them to forfeit their careers and livelihoods should of itself constitute a huge red flag.

Such organisations, depleted by sackings and resignations will lose many more people when their vaxed staff start to fall ill. Organisations already reeling from resignations and sackings will then be further decimated by absenteeism and, most likely, a high number of fatalities.
Remember, all this is due to governments trying to enforce alleged “vaccination” on people to “protect” them from a bug with a low fatality rate whose threat to all but the very frail/elderly is vanishingly small.
Those pushing the vax agenda had expected the job to be done by now, with all but a few people vaxed, then vaxed again and again with their booby-trapped biochemical agents and the mass cull of the unsuspecting population under way and irreversible.
But it hasn’t happened like that and they’re now meeting a wall of resistance from millions of people who are likely, having not been vaxed, to survive the cull and, when they realise what has been done to millions of their fellow human beings, seek justice or revenge.
What went wrong?
Well there was the obvious contradiction between a relatively mild bug and an extraordinary effort to force people to vax against it. It never made sense and many alert people tuned in to that contradiction and became justifiably suspicious of the government’s motives.
But the primary factor was the short term adverse reactions and fatalities. They were not expected – itself a measure of how sloppy or non-existent were the vax’s tests and trials.
Had those adverse reactions not shown up, there would have been nothing to alert people and, lured by the apparency that the vaxes were safe, just about everyone would have trustingly lined up for their jab.Then by the time the real problems set in – the long term destruction of the immune system laying everybody open to a multitude of deadly illnesses – it would have been too late. Once you are vaxed, you can’t get unvaxed so the architects of the cull would have only had to sit back and wait for the expected die-off with barely a whimper of four fifths of humanity over the ensuing few years.
It would have been much easier, too, against a background of belief that the vaccines were safe, to have blamed the inevitable upsurge of illnesses on something else, such as new viruses and so forth.
By the time anyone realised what the vaxes were doing – if they ever did – there would have been no-one left well enough, motivated enough or numerous enough to mount a potent resistance. The Earth would have been inherited by the globalists and their chosen few, who wouldn’t of course have had the actual kiljabs but a placebo.
That was the plan but it went wrong because of the unexpected and severe short and immediate term problems that constituted a ruddy great red flag sufficient to deter millions of people who are relatively alert. It probably will turn out to have saved millions of lives.
With the death toll among the vaxxed soaring and thoroughly vaxed countries such as Israel now facing massive problems and a possible wipe-out, the dangers of the vaxes are so evident that resistance is growing rather than diminishing and the architects of the catastrophe are fast accumulating enemies amongst the vaxed too as people realise the extent to which they and their loved ones have been betrayed.
So the short term deaths and injuries, whilst rough on those who suffer them, were fortuitous in so far as they alerted millions to the vaxes’ dangers.
But even then, the globalist stooges in the government and media tried to use it to their advantage in terms of pulling the wool over people’s eyes. Many experienced immediate-term adverse reactions but in most cases they were not fatal so it was possible to create the impression that adverse reactions when they occurred were seldom fatal and many recovered and, having recovered, were “out of the woods”.
Someone frightened enough by the false stats and mind-bogglingly disingenuous propaganda might consider it worth the risk of a few weeks of illness if they were thereafter “protected.’
But the truth of the matter is that recovering from the immediate term reactions or not having immediate term reactions does not mean one is out of trouble.
The main threat of the vaccines- as many experts have warned us from the beginning – lies in the LONG TERM disruptive effect on the body. These effects were predicted by some to be likely to kill all or most of the vaxxed over the next few years and they are now beginning to show up.The true scale of the catastrophe has yet to be seen.
One’s blood runs cold at what this portends for the next few years.
And finally, there is one other factor that has been instrumental in derailing the globalist attack on humanity and that is the role played by the alternative media.
The MSM, in the camp of and owned by the globalist enemies of Man, has been instrumental in hiding truths about the vaccines and indeed the whole covid caper from the citizen.
Where it could have acted as a watchdog, warned people, exposed the government’s homicidal shenanigans and thus saved millions of lives, it chose not to do so. Evidently lost to humanity it hid the truth and assisted the killjab agenda. It, its owners, editors and journalists, thereby play a direct role in what may well turn out to be the murder of millions of men, women and childen.
With none of the MSM’s financial and other resources but blessed with the grass roots dedication of many unpaid and unsung heroes, the alt media has been able to bypass the force screens of MSM censorship and get the truth out there.
In so doing it has played a key role in saving millions of lives and perhaps the future of our civilisation.
Its efforts thus far have been vastly effective and now is the time to pour coals like never before on those efforts and their long term goals of liberation.
The globalist thought it would “all be over by Christmas” but it isn’t. As they prepare their Winter Offensive it is still very much game on, we are getting stronger and there is a planet to be won.

The People’s Media




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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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