Intro by Steve Cook
The following article from PANDA Uncut well illustrates strategy of the parastic globalist financial “elite” vis-a-vis their use of their control of money to buy into, take control of and subvert reputable institutions, agencies and sources of information.
The credibility and credentials of these reputable sources of information are then used to spread misinformation. Such is their good repute that it takes the targets of the misinformation (you) a while to figure out – if they ever do – that they are in fact being lied to.
This enables the engineers of the misinformation to embed or implant outright lies into the public mind. Once thus implanted and bearing their reputable tag they then circulate.
In other words they subvert trusted sources and get them to lie for them.
This eventually breaks down if the lies are exposed and the speed at which that happens depends on how cleverly masked the lies are and how high was the repute of the subverted source.
When it breaks down, the subverted source then loses its repute and forfeits public trust. It spells the death, in other words, of the trusted source.
It then takes some hard work on the part of those with an allegiance to humanity and the belief that people should not be lied to, to root out the misinformation that is nevertheless still circulating.
A good current example of this is, unfortunartely, tthe fate of The Lancet, a once highly respected journal that is now being used to utter with a straight face and thus implant in the pubic mind misinformaton that is unscientific to a risible degree, on the “if the Lancet’s saying it, it must be true!” principle.
The financial “elite” working this scam is a parasite that feeds on the energies of good people and thus ultimately kills its host, or indeed anything it touches, including civilisation, and so The Lancet’s infestation marks the journal’s demise, after which it will continue as a shell of its former self, the departure of its soul mourned by men of integrity who have been left bereft by its passing.
It would be an interestimg exercise when this sort of thing happens to pull a string all the waydown to its source to find out whose fingers are now working its financial puppet strings.
The strategy is quite clever in a “criminal genius” kind of way but what will hasten its undoing is the fact that the lies being thus embedded are themselves crudely obvious and quite risible when viewed with even a modicum of critical thinking.
Green propaganda is masking real statistics
How ideology is poisoning science
by Ben Pile
The Royal College of Physicians has abandoned science, and become a green ideological campaigning organisation.
The RCP’s “green physician toolkit” is precisely the same patronising nonsense as the WHO’s toolkit of the same name, discussed in my Daily Sceptic article a few months ago.
The two main ideas behind the toolkit are
a) that doctors routinely make “unnecessary” decisions that have environmental impact, and that
b) they should use their authority to advance an ideological agenda.
For example “reduce blood testing where clinically appropriate”. This assumes that doctors test people’s blood frivolously, something equivalent to an “unnecessary journey”. Very, very odd.
But the most egregious claim, of course, is that “Climate change is one of the biggest threats to human health”.
That is so far from truthful, and so utterly embedded in green ideology, that the word “lie” is not sufficient.
There is less than zero evidence that climate is a “threat to human health”, let alone the “biggest threat”. The evidence debunking the link between climate change and health is so strong that doctors have to go out of their way to conceal the stats.
You can see the raw data here for yourself. Climate-related mortality has fallen in recent decades. Diseases of poverty, which are claimed to be climate-linked, including malaria, are also in steep decline.
I give an overview of how climate-activist doctors at the Lancet are influenced by ideology here, and go into more detail to explain how they lie in this presentation below. At around 36 mins, I show that the Lancet’s green propaganda pages hide the mortality statistics behind “frequency of event” statistics, to give the opposite impression.
The Lancet claims that “life-threatening extreme weather events are becoming increasingly frequent”. When you interrogate the data, however, it reveals that far fewer people are being killed by extreme weather.
So it’s not just a lie, it’s a fraud. And it’s a fraud told for political effect, to transform society and the economy, which ultimately will have a devastating effect on human health. And it already is, if we calculate the opportunity cost for people in emerging economies.
Doctors and medical researchers involved in this propaganda have invented their own metric of “risk” to create “evidence” of a growing “threat”. And doctors and institutions of medicine that reproduce this propaganda do so *uncritically* without checking the numbers.
The numbers are not complicated. The science is not complicated. The data is not hard to find. This is not like 5-sigma high energy physics experimentation.
Consider this chart from the latest Lancet propaganda report, for example. It claims that the better part of a $trillion is lost from agricultural production because of exposure to heat. But look at how small that effect is in the West, compared to developing/low income economies.
Whereas farmers in the US can tend to vast farms, sitting in GPS-guided, air conditioned, diesel-powered tractors, subsistence agriculture is dawn-to-dusk manual labour.
The difference is access to fossil fuels. It’s not a weather or climate effect.
To frame that disparity between agricultural producers in the richest and poorest economies as one of “climate change”, requiring the abolition of fossil fuels is a grotesque injustice. It is vile.
Ben Pile ( is an independent writer and researcher, filmmaker and commentator. He has been writing on the science and politics of climate and the environment for publications since the mid-2000s and is a frequent contributor to shows on GB News, Talk TV and others. He is the co-founder of Climate Debate UK, which helps the public, journalists and other organisations find the information necessary for democratic discussion about climate and energy policy. His work can be found at the following sites:;
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