Fightback inspires new ideas as Globalist utopian tinkering spawns mismanaged mess

Shifting popular mood heralds the death of Globalism

The following featured article comes from Australia.

It is worthy of note f0r its reflection of the growing dissatisfaction with governments across the world that have fallen into the hands of globalist stooges and political parties that have degenerated into globalist front groups.

Its criticisms of the corrupt regime in Australia and the assault on Liberty thinly disguised as a “health emergency” reflect a growing mood in many countries. It is a mood that heralds an eventual blowback against sell-out politicians and their puppet masters.

We’re not so sure about the ‘solution” of investing one’s  faith in a bloc led by Russia and China but the important thing at his stage is that dissatisfactions with the status quo are real and growing and solutions are being sought, discussed and aired.

These ideas will gain more traction as the mismanaged mess created by the feckless, credulous incompetent globalist stooges grows more tedious and the effort by the WEF nd similar globalist councils to crush progress continue.

The source of the following article is here and we have added some emphases.

Northern Australians will not be subservient to the communist states of southern Australia – communist coup rejected – breakaway mooted

Take Back Australia – from Australian National Review

Five countries, known collectively as the “BRICS” (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), form an important economic block. They account for more than 40 percent of the world’s population and over 20 percent of global GDP. Together, they produce more than one-third of global cereal production.

Take Back Australia, suggests a breakaway Republic of Northern Australia should join the expanding BRIC Nations, and dump the New World Globalist order that’s collapsing from the falsified Covid pandemic and Great Reset being exposed.

It said Texas and other States in the US and other countries that are considering becoming their own breakaway Republics to defeat the Globalist’s agenda, should join forces and support each other as more and more regions demand breakaways from being a Globalists controlled puppet states being vaccinated to death from continued falsified pandemics.

Take back Australia, recently announced plans for the top half of Australia to break away, in deference to the proposed State of North Queensland.

Will Australia Become Two Societies – A Parallel Society and Possibly Even a Breakaway Republic?

Plans are progressing for the top half of Australia to become a Republic, and break away from the rest of Australia, as many reject the Great Reset Totalitarian Globalists agenda, being pushed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, former Prime Minister Scott Morrison and billionaire, left wing elites.

Take Back Australia, a not-for-profit organisation says:

“Many Australians refuse to accept the outdated and corrupted and Globalists controlled political system in Australia any longer, especially after 2 years of lockdowns and crackdowns on our way of living.

“Plans for both a parallel society, that defends human freedoms, civil liberties, less Government interference, with a real democracy, and a breakaway nation are afoot. The support is substantial and growing” a spokesman said.

“After the largest political protest in Australian’s history in February, 2022, in the nation’s capital, Canberra, where more than 500,000 people peacefully protested the Government vaccine mandates, Government extremism and the Global communist agenda. The Globalists agenda has been pushed and supported by former Prime Minister Scott Morrison (who has been in direct communication with Klaus Schwab about Australia’s support of the dangerous agenda, and State Premiers who violently cracked down on any Australian that supported democracy and human freedoms, under the guise of necessary crackdowns over the now known falsified Covid pandemic, used like a ‘ Trojan horse ‘ to attempt to usher in a ‘new world order ‘, known as the Great Reset.

“A parallel society will happen regardless, and will include at least 30% of the population, who refuse to be vaccinated, who refuse to accept Government vaccine extremism, medical malpractice and clear overreach and abuse of human rights by the current State and Federal Governments. This is a large economy on its own.

“It will push for criminal sentences for all the politicians, Health Officials, business leaders, main stream media and executives who have been complicit in the Covid fraud. This fraud that’s led to so many unnecessary deaths and injuries from the Covid Vaccines, which were never safe, effective or necessary as spruiked, but knowingly fatal, ineffective and unnecessary, considering cheap effective alternatives that were fraudulently banned.”

However, if enough support is achieved, then the possibility of a breakaway Republic will occur, with plans for the top half of Australia being separated from the rest.

It’s not the first time States or Regions have considered seceding with WA often threatening to become its own country, and North Queensland and New England NSW their own states.

The new border for the New Republic of Northern Australia, would either be at the NSW /Queensland Border, Northern Territory/ SA border and the top half of WA becoming the new National Southern Border and above that the new Republic of Northern Australia. Or the border could be moved further South into NSW, to possibly the Sydney Harbour and Parramatta River becoming the National border to the South, effectively Splitting Sydney into two, and across NSW to the SA border and up to the Northern Territory/SA border, and once again Splitting WA in half.

This would give Australians a clear choice of which Australia they wish to live in.

The freedom loving North of Australia, becoming a Republic, that values human freedoms, civil liberties, informed consent, and protection of National Sovereignty, and the push back of Global Institutions, such as the corrupted WEF and WHO organisation and their totalitarian agendas. It would have much lower taxes, reduced bureaucratic red and green tape, increased manufacturing and defence, an entire new modern day education system and a complete overhaul of the failed medical system.

Or those Australians who are closet communists, want Dictator Dan Andrews as a leader, want to continue with the cesspool of corrupted Canberra Politicians, want higher taxes, and a country that no longer supports civil liberties, and human freedoms, a nation that can continue to bash and shoot at innocent protesters, and force dangerous mask wearing lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, track and tracing of citizens, introduction of a digital passport, and love Government overreach.

They will be able to enjoy all these wonderful benefits in the old, outdated, communist, southern part of Australia, where statues of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, George Soros, other Globalists elites, Dictator Dan Andrews and his communist Chinese backers will be erected, and can be celebrated by waving Red Flags provided by Simon Holmes a Court.

The new Republic of Northern Australia would proceed immediately to slash taxes, and the reduction of income taxes within 5 years to a 15% flat rate, the creation of several economic free zones, and the establishment of two new cities to help de-urbanise the nation, along with a push for regional Australian development and to develop the North’s untapped potential for irrigated food production.

One new city would be built, to become the new national capital of the Republic of Northern Australia, which would be likely to be built in a Central Regional part of Australia, potentially in Central Queensland, with an area between the regional city of Rockhampton (100,000 population) and Yeppoon (30,000) already scoped as a likely location, only minutes from a spectacular coast line. It’s a region with a lot of existing jobs, desperate to attract new workers, who could be enticed to populate the region, reducing crowding in major cities, and support the more de urbanised goal of the Republic of Australia.

Townsville, because of its substantial port facilities could also be considered because of the industrial city’s western rail network and potential to expand to the west.

A second large city, one that had concept plans and a video generated a decade ago, would be established most likely near Port Hedland in WA, to encourage less fly in fly out workers, and to populate this region, whose families could move to the new city, which would have an enormous number of jobs available in the nearby Pilbara Region.

The city would be built to attract major tourism, as being located closer to Asia, especially Singapore and Indonesia it has large international populations nearby.

Tenders would be considered for large entertainment and resort companies to build large resort complexes in this new city to kick start it plus massive Government investment for affordable housing and grants to entice many to relocate and a major airport. Designed to help it become a major tourist drawcard, for both domestic, and international tourists, considering models such as Sun City in Africa, and Dubai in the United Emirates.

Ultimately the goal would be to take back the entire nation of Australia, and free it from the Globalists control, that has infiltrated our Cabinets and illegally stolen our nation under an effective coup, which is now apparent to the more knowledgeable that the Covid fraud was ultimately designed to achieve.

However, to take back an entire country, it often starts with taking back a part of it, and making it a proven successful example of a better nation, and a better way of living that can inspire other regions and nations to adopt the new improved way to have a better functioning society.

The Republic of Australia movement, supported and endorsed by Take Back Australia, would seek input and ideas from a broad range of patriotic Australians, especially those who understand and see the dangers of unchecked rampant Globalism and the communistic Great Reset Agenda to our beloved Nation.

In such times, new ideas are needed and the development of a New Republic of Northern Australia must be considered along with the building of a parallel society.

Australians deserve their country back, even if it’s one half at a time.

The New Republic of Northern Australia will soon be put to an online vote to garner levels of support.

Key Points

Eliminate State Governments.
We are over governed.
Local and Federal Governments are enough, and this allows one national framework for things such as Education and Health.
This avoids overlapping, helps reduce red tape and lowers costs.
The abolishment of many taxes such as payroll tax, GST and Capital Gains tax with the lowering of personal income tax to 15% within 5 years.
The Republic of Australia would look to join bodies such as the Bric Nations and join the new Global Financial System, dumping the Globalists crumbling financial system that gives the power to the Central Bankers who have abused their power and wealth to dictate to Sovereign nations.
China wants to expand the group of emerging economies known as BRICS, a senior Chinese diplomat said on Thursday. The economic bloc currently consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

“China proposes to start the BRICS expansion process, explore the criteria and procedures for the expansion, and gradually form a consensus,” Wang Yi, China’s state councilor and foreign minister, told an online meeting of BRICS foreign ministers, as quoted by Reuters.

In an address ahead of the BRICS foreign ministers’ meeting, Chinese President Xi Jinping urged to strengthen cooperation. Xi had previously invited the Argentinian government to participate in the BRICS summit. Argentina has been striving to join the group for more than a decade. In February, during an official visit to China, Argentinian President Alberto Fernandez reiterated the request.

Brazil, Russia, India, and China initially established the bloc in 2009, with South Africa joining in 2010. BRICS has more than a 16% share in global trade and represents more than 40% of the world’s population.


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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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