Fifty thousand red flags already as UK Eugenicide proceeds

The short term adverse reactions were an unpleasant surprise but are the least of our worries

Introduction by Fabian Ubiquitus

It should be remembered that those who were predicting fatalities and long-term serious health problems arising from the Pfizer and Moderna experimental biochemical agents (fraudulently named “vaccines”, which they are not) – a host of experts such as the virologist professor Dolores Cahill) were talking about the LONG-TERM damage that will be done.

In other words, their concerns are in the main, if not exclusively, about the issues that are going to show up over the course of the next few years. If those issues turn out to be as serious as many are predicting, we are looking at an attack on the human race that will leave millions dead before their time or seriously debilitated with life-long health problems or even sterilised.

The SHORT- and IMMEDIATE-TERM issues, however – the sheer quantity and severity thereof – that have shown up have been something of a surprise, a phenomenon that nobody was expecting.

Hopefully that so many problems  – including deaths – are happening so swiftly will work as a red flag for those who have not yet submitted to the vaccines and pseudo-vaccines that there is a real issue with these chemical agents.

The fact of the matter is that if we are seeing so many adverse events ALREADY, then this does not bode well for what the long-term impact upon your health is going to be – not to mention the compounded harmful effects of booster jabs and so forth.

The tame celebrities and other air-heads who assist the marketing of these experimental agents  – amid the relegation of humanity to the status of lab rat – with the puerile, “well I just had the jab and I feel fine, tee hee” are thereby doing a terrible disservice to their fellow man. Why? Because the short-term reactions or lack thereof are MISSING THE POINT.

Those subversive, eugenicidal factions pushing these experimental agents on humanity are, of course, very happy for you to miss the point. Because you are acting as a collaborator helping them press home their attack, their rush to get EVERYBODY injected so that by the time the human community wakes up to the fact that we have just, metaphorically speaking, been herded imto the gas chambers on the pretext they are showers or de-lousing stations, it will be too late.

The experts who have stuck their necks out to warn us have been  warning us about the LONG TERM effects upon health these agents will have. The short-term issues are a distraction.

The fact that you get no immediate reaction does not mean your troubles are over. The state of your health over the next few years will tell us that. By encouraging others to submit to the vax on the basis that you got little or no immediate reaction, you may well be helping entice them into something that will, over time, make them very ill or even kill them.

And all that to “protect” people from a bug that is, gov efforts to falsify and exaggerate the stats notwithstanding, moderately infectiou, usually mild and only rarely fatal and is actually very treatable by a number of existing – but, of course, suppressed, remedies!

As I said, the unexpected manifestation of immediate adverse reactions may help warn people to hold off until we know what the long term impact is going to be. And, sadly, we now have millions of guinea pigs who have been duped by their criminal governments into submitting to the ” vaccines”, we can observe to see what happens to them over the next few years.

Hopefully it will not be as dire as many are predicting but don’t hold your breath. So far, the signs are that it is going to be very dire indeed for those who have been vaccinated. And for the NHS (and all its OTHER non-vax patients), which is going to find itself well and truly overwhelmed by the numbers at the very time it is being perforce cut back due to the economy that supports it having been impoverished by our subversive government’s lockdown lunacy.

The adverse reactions ALREADY showing up should, we hope, spur those who wish to live a long and healthy life not to take the jab. There are plenty of OTHER, safer things you can do to help yourself if you are among the small number of vulnerable people truly at risk from this and similar flu viruses.

Some of those reactions include the following as this artcile from Natural News describes.

*NOTE: “EUGENOCIDE”  and  the adjective, “EUGENICIDAL” are words coined by the author from “genocide” and the death cult known as “Eugenics”

UK Government Releases Shocking Report On COVID Vaccine Side Effects

The UK Government have released a report highlighting adverse reactions to both the Pfizer and Oxford / Astrazeneca that have occurred since the rollout began on the 8th December and it does not make for pleasant reading.

The report has collated data inputted up to the 24th January 2021 via the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme. At this point an estimated 5.4 million first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and 1.5 million doses of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine had been administered, and around 0.5 million second doses, mostly the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, had been administered.

But as predicted, with the rise in vaccines administered came a rise in adverse reactions with 49,472 reported reactions to the Pfizer vaccine and 21,032 reactions to the Oxford / Astrazeneca vaccine. For both vaccines this equates to 1 in every 333 people suffering an adverse reaction. This rate could actually be higher as some cases may have not been reported to the Yellow Card Scheme.

The Daily Expose took a look through the report (which you can find here) and carried out an in depth review of reactions to the Pfizer vaccine and this is what we found –

Thanks to the Pfizer vaccine, which uses MRNA technology to instruct human cells to carry out “a certain task” 5 people are now blind and a further 31 have had their vision impaired. In total there have been 634 eye disorders reported so far. Imagine being confined to the same four walls for over a year and not being able to see family or friends. Then getting excited because you naively think an experimental “vaccine” is going to give you your life back and allow you to see them once more. But then leaving without the ability to ever see anything ever again.

Table taken from the Government Report

There have also been 21 cerebrovascular accidents thanks to the experimental Pfizer vaccine. A cerebrovascular accident is the sudden death of some brain cells due to lack of oxygen when the blood flow to the brain is impaired by blockage or rupture of an artery to the brain. A cerebrovascular accident is also referred to as a stroke.

We told you on the 4th December how the UK Government admitted it did not know if the Pfizer vaccine had an impact on fertility, which must have really convinced any aspiring wannabe parents to have the vaccine. But that admission also included comments on pregnancy which were as follows –

There are no or limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2.
Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine
BNT162b2 is not recommended during pregnancy.

For women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination. In addition, women
of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose.

So why on earth have we found within the Pfizer vaccine analysis print a total of 4 spontaneous abortions due to receiving a dose of the Pfizer vaccine? The government’s own recommendation is that anyone who is pregnant or wants to get pregnant within the next two months should avoid the Pfizer vaccine, so why are pregnant woman receiving this vaccine? You won’t hear about this in the mainstream media.

Sadly there have also been 2 reports of spontaneous abortion after administration of the Oxford / Astrazeneca vaccine.

Then we stumbled on an even more shocking statistic. The Yellow Card Scheme has received 59 reports of death and 7 reports of sudden death due to the Pfizer vaccine. That’s 7 people just dropping dead immediately after receiving the “jab” as Mr Hancock loves to call it.

But the overall number of “Fatal Outcome” reports, aka “Deaths” due to the Pfizer vaccine as of the 24th January is 107. So that’s 5 people who are now blind, 21 who have suffered a stroke, 4 who have suffered a miscarriage even after the government advising, all be it in the small print, that pregnant women avoid the “jab”, and 107 who have sadly passed away, all as a result of receiving an experimental, emergency approved vaccine of which the manufacturers have absolutely zero liability in being held to account or compensating any adverse reactions.

We can also tell you that up to the 24 January 2021 the Yellow Card Scheme received 69 reports of Bells Palsy due to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. Bell’s palsy is a condition that causes weakness or paralysis of the muscles in one side of the face. It is the most common cause of facial paralysis.

The Government have of course tried to explain away all these terrible side effects of the Covid vaccines. Within the report they stated the following –

A high proportion of people vaccinated in the vaccination campaign so far are very elderly, many of whom will also have pre-existing medical conditions. Older age and chronic underlying illnesses make it more likely that coincidental adverse events will occur, especially given the millions of people vaccinated. It is therefore important that we carefully review these reports to distinguish possible side effects from illness that would have occurred irrespective of vaccination.

And that, readers, is the definition of being a ‘Hypocrite’. Tens of thousands of people have died with underlying conditions within 28 days of a positive test for SARS-CoV-2, yet their death has been labelled as “Definitely Covid” and has been added to the Covid death statistics (Don’t believe us? See our in depth analysis of ONS and NHS data here). But of course we’re only allowed to use this method of counting deaths when it comes to Covid. Because when it comes to the vaccine we are being told that they probably died from their “Underlying Conditions” and should take any reports of death with a “pinch of salt”.

The problem with this being the method for calculating the former has resulted in the British people living under dictatorial tyranny for almost a year.

These are just the immediate side effects of the Covid vaccines, and only the ones that have been reported. We dread to think what adverse effects we might see in the long term.

Will you be having the “jab”?


Find the source article here

People’s Media News



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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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