Alex Newman, of the New American, interviewed Dr. Willie Soon after his most recent Camp Constitution talk.

Below are some of the highlights of their discussion:


Dr. Willie Soon has produced a new paper that attempts to work out the behavior of the sun over the next 100 years.

He has done this by first studying how the sun behaved over the last 400 years, and then by extrapolating this cyclic behavior out a century-or-so into the future.

“We are already in a very weak activity state,” said Dr. Soon, “weaker than the active state of the 1980s/90s.”

This reduced spell of activity we’re in now started in 2008 and is expected to last until 2050, continues Dr. Soon.

The next 3 decades will be a “a very interesting time to be living, because we have another 30-years of the possibility of cooling.”

Soon hopes the IPCC will be honest and won’t be tempted to manipulate their data–as Soon has personally caught and demonstrated them doing in the past.

The IPCC charts show only linear warming, explains Soon, whereas the raw thermometer data reveals a clear ebb and flow of cooling and warming in a cyclical fashion.

“This shows you that they manipulated the data,” says Dr. Soon.

“Ultimately it’s about the truth, it’s not about whether my predictions comes true or not.”

We have to keep a close eye on the thermometer data used by the IPCC, stresses Soon, but also the data from the sun.


“What we predict is that the next 20-30 years will be cold,” says Dr. Willie Soon.

“It will be a very interesting thing for the IPCC to confront.”

Dr. Soon is a firm believer that the demonizing of CO2 is all hype — a scare tactic.

He says sunlight is the key factor when it comes to Earth’s climate, and that’s why he studies it, intensely.

“This infrared radiation (CO2 infrared) is purely a reaction of the system to achieve energy balance. When there is a imbalance within the system, the system tries to look for some equilibrium.

“Infrared is just a reaction.

“This is why we say the entire climate system is powered (99+%) by the sun’s energy.”

Rising sea level is another folly.

“If you really study this carefully, sea level has risen by about 4 inches over the past 100 years,” says Soon.

“And these people are saying it’s going to rise by 300-400 inches — that’s what they’re proposing as a way to scare people.”

Dr. Soon admits he struggles with the purpose of all these lies.

Fear & control is my humble assumption. They could also be one cog in “the Great Reset” machinery.


Dr. Willie Soon concludes the interview with one crucial implication.

“We’ll have a lot more problems if the planet were to cool than were it to warm,” he says.

It’s easier to cool ourselves in times of warmth, explains Dr. Soon –Bill Gates’ atmospheric chalk dust experiment being one rather dangerous option– but the energy simply isn’t there to heat ourselves if it were to get cold, at least not on a global scale.

The sun is our source of energy, and if this energy level drops then it will be nigh-on impossible for us human’s to replicate it.

An ice age, even a little one –such as the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715– produces problems that are much harder to solve than those posed by a warming climate, explains Soon.

Throughout ecological time, life and biodiversity has thrived during times of warmth, and has struggled during prolonged bouts of cooling.

For us humans, Soon sees the only solution as being nuclear energy.

We better start building the nuclear plants now, implies Soon, before the materials required are covered in ice.

“In that sense there is a race. Humanity is always in a race of some kind.”

But for some inexplicable reason, nuclear isn’t an option within climate alarmist circles — this is an illogical stance that again nods to an agenda being at play here, and not to an honest force in search of a fix to a genuine real-world issue.

Nuclear has the potential to ‘solve’ both AGW as well as stave off many of the issues associated with a Little Ice Age.

Yet it is discarded.

The ruse is clearer than ever.

And finally, in a direct message to the propagandized among us, Dr. Soon has this to say: “If you want to face a serious problem, worry about an ice age, never worry about global warming.”

Camp Constitution is an all volunteer association of Americanists.

It held its 13th Annual Family Camp from July 18-23, 2021 at the Singing Hills Christian Camp in Plainfield, NH.

Dr. Willie Soon was one of the guest speakers.

According to the association’s website, it runs a week-long family camp, has manned information tables at various venues, a book publishing arm, and posts videos from the camp that they feel are of importance to the general public.

You can view the interview will Dr. Willie Soon here.

[The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activitycloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).