“Anti-Vaxxer” propaganda and other fibs and drivel

An intelligent response to a misleading piece by a tame "journalist" in the Metro

by Jon Davy

The following is excellent.

It is a copy of an email sent to the Metro newspaper after Tom Williams – a columnist – wrote a cynically disingenuous piece about so called ‘anti-vaxxers’ who may quite soon be prevented from going to work. I guess a bloke has to earn a crust and keep his bosses sweet but some “journalists” approach their propaganda task with a little too much enthusiasm.

God save us from corrupt journalists without honour who seem to take great glee from their collaboration with the medical-political complex’s psyop against the People. Such people will need to be held to account too.

I’d add one more point to the quoted email, which I’ve inserted at the end of this excellent piece.

Letter to the Metro.

I have just read your article about “anti vaxxers” and have a few questions.

1) Can you define what an anti-vaxxer is? The people you refer to in this derogatory way are actually “pro vaccine-safety” and are intelligent enough to have done thorough research on the subject of vaccines, their ingredients, their safety, the immunity to liability afforded to their manufacturers etc.

2) Are you suggesting that those who have compromised immune systems or conditions where vaccinations are contraindicated, should not be allowed back in to the workplace

4) Can you confirm your understanding of “90% effective” for the Pfizer vaccination? I have read the trial paperwork so I am fully up to speed on the interpretation of the “90% effective claim” and I’m assuming that you, a journalist, have also gone through it with a fine-toothed comb.

5) Why do you choose the phrase “refuse to get the vaccination”? I am perfectly within my rights to decline any medical intervention. Have you forgotten that the Human Rights Act exists?

6) The vaccine debate is really not that complex. You either believe that the government has full control over what is injected into you and your children or you don’t. At its core, it’s medical tyranny versus medical freedom.

7) Please can you provide evidence that this vaccination is even needed. With a survival rate of 99.9%, my understanding is that our immune system is just fine.

8) With heart disease being the biggest killer in the UK by a long way, can you tell me if all those who consume processed food, alcohol, sugary drinks, smoke, consume alcohol etc will also be subjected to such draconian medical interventions?

9) With annualised Covid death numbers on a par with road accidents, can you tell me if the government has any plans to remove vehicles from our roads to avoid any more preventable deaths?

10) Could you please provide evidence that Covid 19 exists as I have now seen half a dozen FOIA documents which show that no government body holds this information and that includes one from Matt Hancock’s Department of Health and Social Care?

11) Can you explain why you are not accompanying your Pfizer comments with the fact that they hold the record high for healthcare fraud pay outs (currently $2.3 billion) for making false marketing claims?

Looking forward to your responses.

Kind regards,

Suzanne Cunliffe

I would add:

“On the matter of keeping un-vaccinated people out of the work place: whom exactly would this be protecting?

The vaccinated would be in no danger if the vaccine works (except from side effects of the vaccine of course) so the only people “in danger” of catching COVID would be those who have decided not to vaccinate.

The Chief Medical Officer has explained very clearly the only people who risk serious or life-threatening illness are the very old and/or already seriously ill and even of these most survive (did you not understand his briefing or were you not paying attention?).

But of course these vulnerable people are not IN the workplace but in care homes or hospitals.”



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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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