5G: Leading human rights lawyer to take on negligent UK government

Introducing ActionAgainst5G.Org

Introducing ActionAgainst5G.Org

by Jon Davy

The hypocrisy and double standards of the UK government beggar belief.

On the one hand they are busy propagandising what is little more than a severe flu epidemic into some sort of apocalypse that requires shutting down the country (and visiting an economic and psychological  apocalypse on millions of healthy people) whilst at the same time utterly neglecting the broader and more long-lasting harm of 5G.

There is however an underlying thread of consistency: they are in both cases working to enrich their pals in the interwoven Big Pharma, banking, and Big Telecom cartels at the expense of the People for whom they have little genuine concern outside their nauseating televised hand-wringing.

For instance, if the government gave a crap about the big scary fake epidemic they purport to be so concerned about, they might have seen fit to shut the ruddy airports down to stop people bringing the so called killer virus into the ruddy country!

Unless of course they WANT to string out the fake epidemic for as long as possible until the country is too locked down to be able to get up again.

Be all that as it may, we are now seeing the rise of a very cheesed-off grassroots resistance to having our civilisation hijacked and wrecked by a parasitic echelon of criminal psychopaths. It is a sponteneous groundswell that may soon, especially if it unites, become unstoppable.

Michael Mansfield QC, for example, is leading a legal team challenging the UK Government over its insistence on turning as blind eye to the health risks – and genuine and understandable public concern – concerning the imposition of 5G.

He is one of the most venerated barristers of our time and has led legal teams in many high-profile human rights and civil liberty cases. These include representing the families of Grenfell Tower, Lockerbie, the Ballymurphy Massacre and Stephen Lawrence.

He has been rightfully described as “the king of human rights work” and a Leading Silk in civil liberties and human rights.

Find out more at this link about his action against the UK Government in defence of our basic human right not to be killed, poisoned, irradiated, contaminated, conned, lied to, treated like cattle or otherwise buggered about.

The site, by the way, is a mine of useful information for those concerned about 5G and is highly recommended.


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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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  1. Anti-5G Activists Take Dutch Government To Court Over lack of Proof of 5G Safety – UK Reloaded

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