Intro by Watchdog
Personally if I had to choose between the horrendous adverse reactions thousands have experienced from the vaccines (see below) or a dose of Covid 19, I’d choose Covid 19 as the less painful, less enduring, less debilitating and evidently less debilitating of the two evils.
We feature here just one personal story from the website “Real Not Rare“, which lets vaccine injury victims tell their own stories.
A great many sites of this kind have already sprung into being – itself and unprecedented phenomenon that should serve as a strident warning that something very, very sinister is going on.
Real Not Rare seems to us to be well presented and the stories of vax survivors, whilst harrowing, well expressed and detailed. And if you have your own story to submit you might want to add it in an effort to warn others of the real, not rare, dangers of the Covid pseudo-vaccines.
It is worth remembering that no other vaccine or medicine in history has prompted the creation of so many blogs and websites dedicated to letting victims share their experiences.
Indeed, in just their first year the Covid “vaccines” have caused more deaths and injuries than all other vaccines IN HISTORY combined.
The scale of the death and injuries even at this early stage is such that we appear to be witnessing a vaccine carnage on an unprecedented scale, wherein the continued determination of those responsible to ignore the considerable warning signs smacks not merely of a reckless disregard for safety but of a covert intention to harm and destroy.
Below, we have cited an excerpt from just ONE of the many case histories expressed on the site and urge you to visit the site for very many more.
What becomes evident from the endless procession of harrowing adverse experiences now finding their way past the force screens of censorship into the light of public attention is this:
Whilst the bug the vaxes purport to “protect” us from is for the vast majority of people neither life threatening nor cause for trepidation (as per the Chief Medical Officer) the adverse reactions experienced by thousands of people are for the most part far WORSE than Covid itself.
Of course, whilst Covid is mild and of vanishingly small risk for the vast majority, it is true enough that those rendered vulnerable by reason of preexisting illness or extreme old age can experience more severe or fatal illness.
Yet this is true of many bugs – even the common cold which can kill the truly frail/vulnerable – and it is also true of the vaccines.
But we are perforce only able to gauge the short-term reactions to the vaccines. Whilst these are bad enough, nobody yet knows the scale of the injuries the vaccines and repeated doses thereof will cause in the long term.
A few years down the line we will know the true scale of it and we can but pray it will not be as horrendous as many experts have stuck their necks out to warn us or as the frightening scale of immediate-term injuries suggests.
First Dose of AstraZeneca on 03/03/21
United Kingdom
I am an award-winning author, entrepreneur, public speaker, and philanthropist. I have been self-employed for 26 years. My life has always been incredibly active, fulfilling, and meaningful. I am not one for sitting around and I have always tried to make the most of every single day, and every single moment. I am one of those annoying overachievers who generally loves life and has a ridiculous amount of energy.
In the year leading up to having the vaccine I was working hard on the launch of my first memoir, which I wrote to coincide with the ten-year anniversary of the 2011 tsunami in Japan (March 11th). I had over twenty speaking engagements lined up in countries throughout the world (via Zoom) for that week, was doing daily readings on my own Facebook page in the month leading up to it, and was spending a fortune on a marketing campaign. I put my heart and soul into that book, which I wrote so the survivors wouldn’t be forgotten — it was incredibly important to me. I had spent at least a month in a little remote fishing community there every year since the disaster, and the people there had become like family to me. I’ve raised £175,000 for them and managed over thirty different projects to help them rebuild. My memoir was my tribute to the people there.
Memoir aside, I was also running my eight-year-old pickle business, and I had started writing another book — to help people rebuild their lives after toxic relationships, which unfortunately was something I had to deal with some years ago. I have a habit of finding meaning out of my own traumatic experiences, by helping other people deal with them. I was also planning a rerelease of one of my other books, and a second edition of another. I had a lot of writing plans for the year.
I was also running 5K almost every day, hiking 10K once a week, and doing yoga or dancing daily. I was also learning to read and write Japanese (while I can speak Japanese I have never actually studied it). I remember being really pleased when January finished, because I had achieved all of my goals for the month, and was so excited about the year ahead.
Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?
I was in a little bit of a daze going to get the vaccine — my dog had quite suddenly died four days before, without much time for us (my boyfriend and I) to get used to it. I’d been crying for days. It really knocked me. But I was looking forward to getting the vaccine — because it meant that I’d be able to get back to the tsunami survivors in Japan. Because of travel restrictions, 2020 had been the first year I hadn’t seen them and getting that vaccine meant that I could be on the very first plane back to them. I have to be honest — I wasn’t getting the vaccine because of Covid. Just to get to Japan. I even remember questioning the vaccinator, who called over his supervisor when I asked whether the one they were giving that day was approved in Japan. AstraZeneca wasn’t. They gave me the option to come back another week when they had Pfizer. So I very nearly walked away. But I didn’t. That was at 12:20pm. I didn’t even feel the needle go in.
Nine hours later, I started shaking. Full body shakes. And I was freezing cold. My teeth were chattering. I looked down at my hands to find them violently shaking — I had never seen anything like this before. I got into bed fully clothed and put the electric blanket on full. By 2am I was still shaking and my cognitive functions were no longer working properly. My boyfriend called an ambulance, and the paramedics ascertained that my vitals were at dangerous levels so they took me into A&E, stabilizing me on the way. I had numerous scans and blood tests, none of which gave any clues except for the raised D-Dimers, which the doctor dismissed as having a wide range of explanations. I was one of the earliest people to have the vaccine — I don’t think it would be dismissed now. I was discharged the next day with the diagnosis, “Severe reaction to Covid vaccine.” I actually questioned the diagnosis — I had no idea that vaccines could do this, but neither the paramedics nor the A&E staff were surprised. In fact, one of the paramedics had immediately asked if I’d had a Covid vaccine that day. He said that they had been seeing people like me.
In the days that followed I slept for hours, dreaming vivid, disturbing dreams the likes of which I have never experienced either before nor since. I was constantly exhausted, unable to do little more than shower. My chest was tight and breathing was difficult, and I developed a huge, stinging rash from my genitals all the way up my back, then unexpectedly started menstruating. I’m of an age where my periods are erratic but I still always get a little warning — this came out of the blue. Then the migraines started — daily migraines accompanied by numbness on one side of my face, my tongue, my arm, or my leg, and a complete loss of awareness of where I was or who I was with. Sometimes I hallucinated. They were like having mini-strokes and I should know — I had a stroke age 19 and three more in my thirties but fully recovered from them all. I’d had the cause of those strokes — an undiscovered hole in my heart — fixed in 2007. I was a very low risk for ever having another stroke and felt pretty confident that I wasn’t having them, but it felt exactly the same. Then exactly a week after the vaccine I experienced excruciating head pains that had me in tears, convinced that if I stuck a knife in the side of my head that would somehow relieve the pain. Paracetamol made no difference whatsoever. Another ride in an ambulance resulted in the same diagnosis: “Severe reaction to Covid vaccine.”
I cancelled everything. I just couldn’t function.
In the following weeks I developed a range of weird physical and psychological symptoms. Every single day was different. They included: agoraphobia, excessive yawning, “bubble” sensations going up and down my calves, inability to process written information, dizziness, inability to walk unaided, lightheadedness, and kidney failure. And the head and eye pain — it was relentless. From the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed, I was in constant pain. Everything exhausted me — I couldn’t even talk to anyone for long. I had to rest in bed after sleeping, showering, walking down the stairs, moving from one room to another. Six months prior I had run 16K. I had no idea what was going on; I knew nobody else that this had happened to; and nobody was helping me.
I realized that something major had happened to my body, and more importantly, to my brain, something that I valued more than anything about myself. I couldn’t write yet I was an author, I couldn’t speak yet I was a public speaker, I couldn’t follow a recipe yet I ran a food business, I couldn’t walk let alone run, dance, or do yoga. I did not recognize myself anymore. And as the months went on, more and more symptoms appeared — nerve pain, inexplicable bruising, tinnitus, jaw pain, insomnia, random shooting pains, swollen lymph nodes, bulging veins, loss of sensation in limbs, suicidal thoughts, excessive crying, blocked sinuses, diarrhea, bladder dysfunction, food intolerances.
Q: What is your life like now, after getting the vaccine?
It’s been nine months now. My life has started being recognizable again — I am now able to function in about a third of the way I did pre-vaccine. I was very optimistic when I thought I could focus on recovery for three months and then I’d be back to “normal.” This is my new normal. It took five months of intense, focused recovery before I could start functioning just a little again. I spent every single day of those five months implementing physical, cognitive, and emotional tools in order to heal. Healing was my full-time job. Now it is an integrated part of my life.
I have had to make some major changes to my life in order to accommodate my new limitations and ongoing recovery — I sleep around ten hours a night, I eat a very restrictive diet that I am constantly tweaking to accommodate a range of healing goals as well as avoid any reactions I now have to food, I rarely leave the house, if I need to interact with people then I conserve energy beforehand and plan to rest afterwards because I am not willing to be anything less than myself when out and about in the world. I am able to work in the kitchen again but not on consecutive days, so I spend those alternate days resting on the sofa, but as long as my brain is functioning then I can find ways to be productive and make life meaningful. I am incredibly dependent on my boyfriend, whereas I have always been incredibly Independent — I was very uncomfortable about this at first but I have to be honest: if it wasn’t for him I would have lost both my home and my business.
The longer term impact of what happened to me isn’t confined to what happened DIRECTLY to me. The longer term impact for me is much, much wider than just what has physically affected me. Through this experience I have seen a world that I was completely ignorant of. I have seen a world that I did not want to know existed. I have discovered a dark side to human nature that has deeply distressed me — a lack of compassion, a lack of ability to ask questions for the purpose of gaining understanding, a willingness to condemn, a need for superiority, a desire for power and control, a desire to be RIGHT — and I am not talking about politicians or businesspeople — I am talking about people who used to be our friends, our neighbors, our family. I have learned things that I cannot unlearn, and I do not want to retain these things in my soul. I do not want such ugliness to take up space in my heart. It has taken huge effort on my part to emerge from this experience with MORE compassion than I went in. I felt that I had to make a conscious choice NOT to participate in the ugliness. It wasn’t easy.
There isn’t enough space here to express just how much life has changed — I have had several challenging events in my lifetime that have defined significant shifts; shifts in priorities, passions, or perspective. The vaccine is the most significant event for me, and due to the fact that so many of us are affected by vaccine injuries (I don’t just mean those of us with the injuries — I mean all those other people who have some opinion or another about vaccine injuries) I suspect that it will take quite some time for this particular shift to settle.
UK Chief Medical Officer reveals Covid19 mild for the vast majority
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