Intro by Kieron McFadden
The following featured interview with one of the world’s leading geo-political analysts is important for several reasons.
The first is that the interviewee, Iain Davis, gives you a clear understanding of what the globalist cult is trying to do and the in-fighting within the cult itself as various factions vie for supremacy.
The second is that at around the 35-minute mark, he reminds us that having described what the globalist cult and its front men are trying to do, this does not mean they have pulled it off or will pull it off and there is in fact a great deal we as a community can do about it. It is not set in stone, not by a very wide margin.
All too often when we are given the “bad news” about the latest paroxysm of bad behaviour by one or other of the cult’s political stooges or the overall plan of these degenerate crackpots, it can appear overwhelming. We are given the bad news and little is said about how we can deal with it.
And of course the enemy would just love their intended victims to become overwhelmed and lie down and quit. Such is the psychological warfare aspect of their assault upon you and your community. We have to be wary of falling into the trap of assisting that psychological aspect of their agenda.
There is a danger that if we are not careful we simply mirror the antics of the enemy’s corporate media propaganda machine. That machine gives us bad news upon bad news with the underlying implication: “and there is nothing you can do about it, pal.”
That particular mind game has been the stock-in-trade of the corporate media for a long while as the enemy of humanity seeks to cave in our confidence, hope and morale.
It is important that we in the Freedom Movement do not make the mistake of doing the same thing to people, however inadvertently, and contribute into driving them further into overwhelm and apathy.
As Iain Davis points out in the interview, the very fact of the massive propaganda drive and the equally massive but manifestly failing effort to shut up dissenting voices (which multiply markedly the more they try to silence that dissent) are evidence of how much difficulty the cult runs into as its tries to drive in its barmy and unworkable programs.
Indeed, I would add that, observably, the Freedom Movement has become a magnet for many of the world’s brightest and most free-thinking minds so our gains have not been merely a huge surge in numbers but also in the quality of the scientists, observers, commentators and experts it multifarious fields who have come on board. And all this in the teeth of the most concerted and extensive propaganda drive in history.
The cult have a further problem in that in waging war on humanity they have positioned all of humanity as their opponent and that is a colossal mistake.
Thus the Freedom Movement continues to expand and that already exponential growth, catalysed by the transparent tomfoolery of the fake pandemic, is set to accelerate markedly as the adverse effects of their clumsy and destructive utopian tinkering with the economy kick in. The willful impoverishment of once prosperous nations is going to blow back heavily against the engineers of their latest fiasco.
So take the interview for what it is: an effort to arm you with some understanding of the game being played by the dopes who have set themselves up as the enemy and would-be enslavers of Man. But make sure you go to the 35 minute mark for a reminder that whilst this is what that enemy WANTS to do, it is up to us whether they get their own way. Whilst we have barely gotten started on rolling back and winding up this attack on our global community, there is an awful lot we can do about it and the future is, as ever, as bright as WE make it.
The source of the following interview is here, the highly recommended website of veteran freedom fighter, James Corbett.
You can also find the interview on Bitchute
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Find more Iain Davis on Bitchute
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