Floundering government continues to flog dead horse

Coronavirus Psyop update

by Jon Davy

It has been known almost from the beginning that the “COVID deaths” stat is false. The numbers are inflated by including in them everyone who died of other causes yet with the virus present – and “present” includes, apparently, in the vicinity or nearby or even suspected of probably being around.

Yet even though this falsification is now known to everyone with a brain, the government and media still go on reporting the inflated stats as if they are true, regardless.

It is now known and has been known for some time that the virus is not as infectious as we were told it was, and nowhere near as deadly as we were given to believe.

Its actual death stats put it in the same ball park as a flu epidemic and if we ever get really accurate, reliable reporting of the figures, it may even turn out to be less deadly than that!

All the signs are that the Coronavirus outbreak is dying out naturally with no need for a vaccine.

Cures such as hydroxychloroquine exist, rendering the need for vaccines even more redundant.

The government nevertheless keeps right on talking it up in an evident – and somewhat embarrassing – effort to squeeze every last drop of scariness from it before it quits.

Yet it cannot even point to earlier famous deadly viruses to up the fear-and-dread factor:

The Spanish Flu, for example, when what ACTUALLY HAPPENED a century ago is properly studied, turns out to have been not quite the mass killer we have been told. It needed a lot of help to kill the numbers that are attributed to it – primarily from the pharmaceutical industry of the day, as this article explains.

Earlier horrors, the Great Plague and the Black Death needed a lot of help too. They ran amuck in an era when NOTHING was known about hygiene or sanitation or medicine or sterilising or quarantining. People used to chuck their sh*t out of the window and what passed for medical treatment was blood letting and leaches which of itself were probably pretty deadly when inflicted upon people already unwell.

Add to that the fact that there never was a vaccine for these illnesses, yet they are not around today.

The truth of the matter is that there never was a virus that came remotely close to “wiping out the human race” and all those that cut a swathe of carnage had to have considerable help.

The government is in a bad position. Having talked up the alleged outbreak and shut down and ruined the country on the basis of its propaganda, it now faces the prospect of the general public realising the whole thing was unnecessary. And the general public is going to be considerably miffed

And there goes its last shred of credibility. Not to mention its efforts to use the alleged “threat” to bolster its totalitarian control. Governments ALWAYS talk up a threat when they or their puppet masters feel the need to tighten the screws on their citizens.

It also faces the prospect that its excuses to introduce a compulsory vaccine – the Holy Grail of the psycho-pharmaceutical crime syndicate – are evaporating.

Moreover, the whole psyop has backfired in that

  • it has spawned a vociferous and highly motivated resistance  movement,
  • it has unified the freedom movement,
  • it has exposed the WHO as a psycho-pharmacy front group,
  • it has exposed the venal motives behind the machinations of certain “philanthropists”
  • it has fomented the beginnings of civil unrest and civil disobedience,
  • it has exposed the treasonous subservience of the government to the interests of the Big Bucks aristocracy as opposed to working for all the people
  • it has raised awareness of the need for an enlightened alternative to the deceit and manipulations of globalism.

And in the background, a new storm is stirring and beginning to ruffle the globalist cabal’s house of cards as the Epstein-Maxwell-Prince Andrew pedo-blackmail scandal has resulted in the first of many arrests by the Good Guys in law enforcement.

The government, right out of ideas having long since let its globalist puppet masters do its thinking for it, has nowhere else to go but to keep flogging an already dead horse.


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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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