By their deeds shall we know them: spot the degenerate scumbag
by Jon Davy In a nutshell, here are some of the certainties we now have : * kids are at virtually NO RISK from Covid19 * the risk drops to as near zero as it […]
by Jon Davy In a nutshell, here are some of the certainties we now have : * kids are at virtually NO RISK from Covid19 * the risk drops to as near zero as it […]
Intro by Steve Cook The following important briefing is from the HART group and strikes at the heart of the insidious lies being directed at our children by degenerate subversives operating behind the smoke screen […]
In a nutshell . . . . by Steve Cook Some thoughts on government. Some people consider that just letting the government do whatever it wants and surrendering power over their lives to individuals known […]
by Steve Cook Exciting breaking news from the Eugenics Industry is that The UK’s Chief Mortality Officer, the moribund Chris Witty, has scientifically discovered a new . . . er, scientific way to get more chemicals […]
Intro by Steve Cook Pure dynamite! It does not get any better for the criminals running the Covid psyop as revelation after revelation steadily tears it apart and moves them and their collaborators daily closer […]
by Steve Cook Wow! This is dynamite!! How far and deep does the corruption go? Seems to me that not just in the USA, those school boards, head teachers and so forth who collaborate with […]
Intro by Steve Cook The following article is from excellent The Liberty Beacon. It is quite remarkable that a bug with symptoms suspiciously similar to the common cold for millions of people, and which consequently […]
by Steve Cook People desire certainties When denied certainties they become upset and will often clutch at straws in their desperation for a certainty. For that reason those waging the psychological war on humanity have […]
The following article is excellent cutting-edge and clearly expressed analysis by The Defender in the USA. ARM YOURSELF WITH KNOWLEDGE! SOURCE The Emperor Has No Clothes: COVID Math Simply Doesn’t Add Up Eighteen months of […]
ARTICLE SOURCE “…never give in, never give in, never, never, never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.” Winston Churchill Today the […]
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