When the you-know-what hits the fan

July 12, 2021 0

Comeuppance is coming by David Linden SOURCE: WebWideNews The politicians pushing the Covid atrocity and the deadly vaccines” are a psychotic yet terminally dim crew of remorseless liars. When the truth of what they have […]


The Gobal Fight-back is growing – news from Canada

January 21, 2021 0

LibertyRising148 SOURCE  Fearless Canada World Doctors Alliance ONLY A “HANDFUL” OF DOCTORS AGAINST LOCKDOWNS VS “MAJORITY CONSENSUS” Yesterday, another prominent Ontario doctor added his name to the long and growing list of dissenting voices opposed […]


The coup: what to expect

November 6, 2020 0

by Caratacus How is all this going to go? On one side of the fence we have currently an authoritarian government that governs by the diktat and edict of a handful of ministers and their […]