Floundering “Climate Emergency” dogma challenged by proper scientists.

Under threat: globalist dream of replacing civilisation with a global feudalism where parasitic nobs lord it over compliant serfs

Intro by Steve Cook

Here is another very fine thought-provoking piece from the Daily Sceptic that further challenges the increasingly shaky dogma of the Climate Change Cult.

Far from being beyond question, said dogma is increasingly being challenged as its inherent flaws and contradictions of observable reality become more evident by the day.

This challenge has now reached a level where only the most stringent efforts to silence, marginalise or vilify dissenting voices and generally lash out at anything or anyone who threatens it with facts or argument keepĀ  it from succumbing to Reason altogether.

Of course, there is a lot riding on terrifying people into acceptance of the “deadly human-caused climate change” hypothesis. Not least among which is the globalist dream of ushering in a global feudalism in which an echelon of wealthy parasites lord it over billion of compliant serfs (everybody else).

So let’s all work together to pull the rug out from under these bastards.

1,200 Scientists and Professionals Declare: ā€œThere is No Climate Emergencyā€

The political fiction that humans cause most or all climate change and the claim that the science behind this notion is ā€˜settledā€™, has been dealt a savage blow by the publication of a ā€˜World Climate Declaration (WCD)ā€™ signed by over 1,100 scientists and professionals. There is no climate emergency, say the authors, who are drawn from across the world and led by the Norwegian physics Nobel Prize laureate Professor Ivar Giaever. Climate science is said to have degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound self-critical science.

The scale of the opposition to modern day ā€˜settledā€™ climate science is remarkable, given how difficult it is in academia to raise grants for any climate research that departs from the political orthodoxy. (A full list of the signatories is availableĀ here.) Another lead author of the declaration, Professor Richard Lindzen, has called the current climate narrative ā€œabsurdā€, but acknowledged that trillions of dollars and the relentless propaganda from grant-dependent academics and agenda-driven journalists currently says it is not absurd.

Particular ire in the WCD is reserved for climate models. To believe in the outcome of a climate model is to believe what the model makers have put in. Climate models are now central to todayā€™s climate discussion and the scientists see this as a problem. ā€œWe should free ourselves from the naĆÆve belief in immature climate models,ā€ says the WCD. ā€œIn future, climate research must give significantly more emphasis to empirical science.ā€

Since emerging from the ā€˜Little Ice Ageā€™ in around 1850, the world has warmed significantly less than predicted by the IPCC on the basis of modelled human influences. ā€œThe gap between the real world and the modelled world tells us that we are far from understanding climate change,ā€ the WCD notes.

The Declaration is an event of enormous importance, although it will be ignored by the mainstream media. But it is not the first time distinguished scientists have petitioned for more realism in climate science. In Italy, the discoverer of nuclear anti-matter Emeritus Professor Antonino ZichichiĀ recently ledĀ 48 local science professors in stating that human responsibility for climate change is ā€œunjustifiably exaggerated and catastrophic predictions are not realisticā€. In their scientific view, ā€œnatural variation explains a substantial part of global warming observed since 1850ā€. Professor Zichichi has signed the WCD.

The Declaration notes that the Earthā€™s climate has varied for as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm periods. ā€œIt is no surprise that we are experiencing a period of warming,ā€ it continues. Climate models have many shortcomings, it says, ā€œand are not remotely plausible as global policy toolsā€. They blow up the effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, but ignore any beneficial effects. ā€œCO2 is not a pollutant,ā€ it says. ā€œIt is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth; additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yield of crops worldwide.ā€

In addition, the scientists declare that there is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and such-like natural disasters, or making them more frequent. ā€œThere is no climate emergency,ā€ the Declaration goes on. ā€œWe strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050,ā€ it says, adding that the aim of global policy should be ā€œprosperity for allā€ by providing reliable and affordable energy at all times. ā€œIn a prosperous society, men and women are well educated, birth rates are low and people care about their environment,ā€ it concludes.

The WCD is the latest sign that the ā€˜settledā€™ fantasy surrounding climate change science is rapidly breaking down. Last year, Steven Koonin, an Under-Secretary of Science in the Obama Administration, published a book titledĀ UnsettledĀ in which he noted that, ā€œThe science is insufficient to make useful projections about how the climate will change over the coming decades, much less what our actions will be.ā€ He also noted that rigidly promulgating the idea that climate change is settled demeans and chills the scientific enterprise, ā€œretarding its progress in these important mattersā€. In 2020, the long-time green activist Michael Shellenberger wrote a book calledĀ Apocalypse NeverĀ in which he said he believed the conversation about climate change and the environment had in the last few years ā€œspiralled out of controlā€. Much of what people are told about the environment, including the climate, is wrong, he wrote.

Of course, green extremists in academia, politics and journalism will continue to argue for the command-and-control they crave through a Net Zero policy. In the end, their warped view of the scientific process will fade, leaving a trail of ludicrous Armageddon forecasts, and yet more failed experiments in hard-left economic and societal control.

Chris Morrison is theĀ Daily Scepticā€™s Environment Editor.

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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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