Exclusive. I Just Exposed How the British Psychological Society Has Been Captured by ‘Anti-Racist’ Racists

Exclusive. I just exposed how the British Psychological Society has been captured by ‘anti-racist’ racists

James Esses throws light on how another important institution has been captured


In recent months, right here on this Substack, I’ve revealed how lots of important institutions in British society, from the BBC to John Lewis, from the Financial Times to the NHS, have now been fully captured by radical if not extreme ideologues.

And today I want to pull back the curtain to show you what’s going on in the British Psychological Society (BPS), one of the most influential organisations in the country when it comes to people’s mental health.

The BPS sets the ethical code for British psychologists, including those who work with some of the most vulnerable people in society. So the sheer power, leverage, and importance of the BPS cannot be understated.

But today, unfortunately, the BPS, like many other important institutions in our society, has completely lost its way, having been taken over by radical ideologues.

Several months ago, whistle-blowers from inside the BPS reached out to me with concerns the organisation has been taken over by ideological extremists, who are pushing critical race theory on members and patients alike.

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I was sent hundreds of pages of policies, guidance, academic articles, training, social media posts and correspondence. And once I started to delve into these materials, I simply could not believe my eyes.

Like many other organisations in Western nations, the BPS is today pledging its allegiance to the ‘anti-racist’ agenda while propagating openly racist rhetoric.

I appreciate this is quite some accusation.

However, one need only to consider the diatribe of anti-white rhetoric that comes from the organisation to see that it’s true.

The United Kingdom’s ethnic make-up is, by a significant majority, white. It is no surprise, therefore, that most individuals practising psychology are white.

Yet, the BPS takes umbrage with this.

In 2023, the BPS published a collection of articles in its journal, Clinical Psychology Forum, entitled ‘Anti-Racist action in Clinical psychology’.

Members were told, in the introduction, that: “despite strides made in the last three decades, the pervasive impact of racialised power endures”.

If you were in any doubt as to what ‘racialised power’ is referring to, the BPS helpfully tells us this is the “pervasive presence of Whiteness in teaching content and processes”.

Read that again.

The BPS makes it clear, from the very outset, that it takes issue with too much ‘Whiteness’ within the profession. Now, I don’t know about you, but this sounds pretty darn racist to me.

In the leading article, ‘The Trojan Horses of Whiteness’, written by Professor Nimisha Patel, a Clinical Psychologist and Tutor at the University of East London (UEL), we are told that ‘Whiteness’ “reproduces and maintains racialised hierarchies and racism”.

Conjuring up the image of a deadly disease, ‘Whiteness’ is described as “constantly changing and mutating, making it effortlessly invisible”.

Patel laments the fact that “Whiteness is everywhere in our teaching content…even when we teach about diversity”. One would have hoped that diversity would include those of us who are white but apparently not.


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There is seething hatred towards those with different views, with no concern or compassion for their wellbeing.

In a letter published by the BPS, written by Psychologist Shameema Yousaf, she chastises “a White colleague weaponising her whiteness with ‘crocodile tears’”.

Unfortunately, such anti-white sentiment has already started to filter down into BPS-accredited training programmes and even recruitment.

Back in 2019, the BPS published a paper, entitled ‘On addressing ‘Whiteness’ during clinical psychology training’, written by Nimisha Patel and Nick Wood.

The authors describe the creation of two new mandatory modules for those undertaking psychology training at the University of East London.

For those in Year 1, there is a module entitled “Introduction to Whiteness”. For those in Year 2, the module is “Talking Whiteness”.

Can you imagine the outrage if there was a university module entitled: ‘Introduction to Blackness’? This is the epitome of racism, as it groups an entire ethnicity into one homogenous blob to be picked over, chastised and morally judged.


The authors lament the fact that a “systematic and disproportionate predominance of clinical psychology trainees are White”.

Whiteness is described as something toxic, which must be eradicated:

The question, it appears, is…scrutinising our theories, methods and practices and training institutions and curricula, for Whiteness and its deleterious consequences for the public”.

As a white man, such language is horrifying to read.

To those students at UEL who may seek to challenge this narrative, they will be given no airtime. The authors state that they provide a “caveat” to all new trainees, telling them that:

White voices need to be careful not to control discussion spaces, given that White dominance and the process of positive White identity development is best fostered by a listening and learning attitude”.

How patronising, how shaming, how utterly offensive.

I’ve also been provided with the training slides on ‘Whiteness’, a course delivered by Professor Patel at UEL. They are as troubling as you might expect.

Crucially, it’s been confirmed that this training is directly funded by the BPS.

Trainees are told that “whiteness is invisible” and “whiteness upholds racism”.

Students are also told terms like ‘BAME’ “centre whiteness” and that the term ‘scientific’ has links to “racism”.

It is even suggested that the British state itself props up ‘Whiteness’ and racism through measures to tackle immigration or “counter terrorism”.

Students are instructed to “disrupt whiteness” by adopting “anti-racism as a stance … against Whiteness”. If this is not ideological indoctrination, then I do not know what is.

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Is it any wonder then that we now also see recruitment campaigns for trainee psychologists, like that promoted by the East London NHS Foundation Trust, in which hiring managers state they are looking for those who are happy to use an “anti-Whiteness” model?


Such racist rhetoric has even become embedded within the BPS’ ‘Standards for Accreditation of Doctoral Programmes in Clinical Psychology’.

These standards mandate the content and quality of training doctors in clinical psychology in the United Kingdom.

Core competencies that trainees must be assessed in include “being able to work within an anti-racist, anti-discrimination framework” and “an understanding of social constructionist perspectives”.

In other words, if you are not on board with the organisation’s ideological dogma, if you don’t go along with all this, then you won’t pass your course.

In fact, all course supervisors are told they “must attend training in anti-racist practice”. Particularly troubling is the statement: “Supervisors need to be aware of the potential impact of cumulative minority stress … on trainees’ performance (for example, an erosion of confidence)”.

This is essentially telling course providers that non-white students should be excused from poor performance on the basis they might be suffering from ‘minority stress’.

Remember, this is training for those who seek to help others with mental health.

I’ve also been provided with a BPS Webinar, entitled ‘Decolonising the Curriculum’, made up of a roundtable discussion between BPS staff, tutors and students.

The webinar is one long attack on white people within the profession.

Dr Udeni Salmon, Associate at the University of Lincoln, states:

There also comes a point when White people have to recognise that in order for non-White people to have their rights, they have to give something up. They’re going to have to step aside. They may have to give up their job. They may have to give up parts of their salary”.

Yes. You read that correctly.

The BPS is suggesting people should be expected to give up their job and earnings, on the basis of their skin colour. I wish I was making this up. But, sadly, I’m not.


These are not the words of rogue actors.

They represent the BPS as a whole. We know this because such ideological preaching has been coming from the very top of the organisation.

For example, in the aftermath of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests, following the death of George Floyd, the then President of the BPS, David Murphy, put out a statement, in which he told members: “If we had not been in a lockdown, I would have had no hesitation in joining protesters at the weekend myself”.

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The BPS, then, has completely signed up to an ‘anti-racist’ agenda. The twisted irony, as most normal people can see, is that by adopting this ‘anti-whiteness’ stance the organisation and its leaders are showing themselves to be the biggest racists going.

This will have deleterious consequences for the mental health of our nation. Which is why I wanted to bring this to your attention because we simply have to keep calling these ideological extremists out.

Thankfully, a few weeks ago, my secret investigation paid off when the Sunday Telegraph drew attention to my exposé into the ideological capture of BPS.

In fact, it even caught the attention of Elon Musk, who responded to my high-level findings by stating, publicly, that the BPS is “super racist”.

But the blunt reality here is that we should not need national newspapers and Elon Musk to highlight what is going profoundly wrong in the institutions.

The elite class in this country, the same people who tell us to believe in evidence and science, should know themselves what to avoid. They should be putting objective knowledge, truth, and reason before all this ideological dogma and racism.

And so, as always, we will not stop calling them out until they do.

This article (Exclusive. I just exposed how the British Psychological Society has been captured by ‘anti-racist’ racists James Esses throws light on how another important institution has been captured) was published by Matt Goodwin and is republished here under “Fair Use”


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