Climate hysteria boils as fibbing intensifies, tripe levels rise and loons run right out of ideas

Dumbing down of the "Elite" becomes major global problem for the United Nutjobs

The video briefing below contains some cutting commentary on the tripe propagated by the Climate Crisis Cult, which is becoming more demented by the day as evident panic sets in.

The panic is occasioned by the fact that those behind the sloppy Climate Psyop are running out of time in which to ram home their agenda before everybody twigs that it is propaganda supported by fiddled stats and media false reports.

The aforementioned tripe – and, boy, there’s an ocean of it we are obliged to wade through! – is presently epitomised by the UN’s “Global Boiling” line, which reaches a new low in puerile stupidity. At the same time it tells us that the Climate Crisis brigade have a very very low opinion of our ability to think, evaluate information or even observe the ruddy environment around us as they clearly believe we are going to swallow their nonsense.

And just in case anyone was wondering: there have been  numerous times throughout human history when the climate was hotter than today (the Roman Warm Period, Medieval Warm Period etc) and numerous times prior to the arrival of humanity when the planet was considerably warmer.

On none of these occasions was there global boiling (whatever that means exactly) and neither did entire ecospheres collapse and so forth. Throughout such periods life flourished as did human civilisation – without, one might add, the help of the advanced technology at our disposal today. So a slight, brief rise in temperature at a time when the planet is still in a relatively cool period – and CO2 levels are still relatively low – hardly seems likely to turn the planet into a fireball.

There are of course plenty of things we need to fix in the direction of more responsible  husbandry of the planet but “global boiling” isn’t one of them. In fact the ropey climate change drivel put out by globalist numpties is more an  effort to terrorise you into accepting quasi slavery  than identify and fix real survival problems and as such is a deliberate distraction from problems that DO require handling.

One of those problems is the evident dumbing down of the (Lol) “Elite”: how the hell did institutions such as our government and the UN wind up in the hands of men who are clearly (a) unhinged and/or (b) incredibly dim.

Be all that as it may, enjoy this briefing  by a man who is neither. He makes some very valid points








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About Steve Cook 2314 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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