Chemtrail or Contrail?

Image by Alpha India



Have you ever heard it said that there are two types of aircraft condensation trails (contrails) that appear in the sky?  Well, ‘officially’ there are two: persistent and non-persistent contrails.  Let me just say right away, that this is absolute dis-information and nonsense.  Unfortunately, it is yet another example of how we are being lied-to and treated as idiots.




How often have you seen skies that look like this?  Would you believe me if I told you that prior to around 1996, you would never have seen this sight.  It is totally a modern phenomenon, and we have become so accustomed now to this sight that we believe it has always been like this.

Often on a beautiful summer morning, the sky is a lovely clear, deep blue with no clouds in sight at all.  However this will then over the course of the next few hours become criss-crossed with jet ‘vapour trails’ which instead of dissipating quickly, as they should (it is only crystalline water vapour after all), remain in the sky several hours after the plane has passed over, slowly spreading until often they obliterate the sun completely and turn the entire sky a watery grey colour. There is nothing ‘normal’ about these contrails despite what the controlled mainstream media and government sources would have you believe in their ceaseless and relentless efforts to deflect you from the truth with their blatant disinformation.

One needs only to watch the skies intermittently for a few hours to soon notice the bizarre patterns emerging as these planes track back and forth creating deliberate grid-type, x-shaped or even sometimes circular patterns on many occasions, to ensure maximum coverage.  If this were a natural event, then it would happen every day in line with regular plane flight schedules, but keen observers will soon notice that there are days when we get none at all, days when we get isolated batches of trails and other days when the entire skyscape is totally obliterated.

Normal contrails are composed of tiny, fragile ice crystals formed by aircraft flying at altitudes of 33,000 feet (10km) or greater.  At altitudes below 33,000 feet, normal vapour condensation trails are unable to form behind an aircraft, regardless of its type or design.  Whereas above 33,000 feet, normal contrails are formed, and these will appear to an observer on the ground as narrow streaks of white cloud-like material which totally dissipates in seconds, rarely extending for any appreciable distance behind the aircraft. Chemtrails, in complete contrast to this, may be observed at any height.  They have been seen emitting from aircraft flying at altitudes as low as 8,000 feet but may be seen at all altitudes above this also.  Since normal contrails cannot form at these low altitudes, any contrail formation that is observed at these elevations is probably not a contrail at all, but a genuine ‘chemtrail’. Chemtrails usually appear as normal contrails for the first few seconds, but unlike standard contrails do not evaporate almost immediately, but slowly become broader and denser over time.  Over periods of several hours, parallel and ninety-degree chemtrail grid formations will eventually spread and merge to form a continuous, cirrus-like cloud formation in the sky.  Shortly after this merging, what just hours earlier was a perfectly clear blue sky will appear as a kind of insipid milky-haze, totally unnatural in all respects.

Another distinguishing factor between contrails and chemtrails concerns their relative location or position in the local sky, as well as their directional characteristics. Aircraft emitting normal contrails are constrained by FAA regulations to operate only over designated air routes; therefore, the contrails that they generate will be found consistently only within local flight-corridors, which are easily discerned by an observer at any given geographic location on the ground.  In addition, air traffic along these designated routes is always unidirectional.

Aircraft flying in opposing compass directions are never permitted to use the same air-routes, at the same altitudes, for obvious reasons.  Therefore, only those contrails that are formed within these restricted air corridors and consistently with the same vector or direction should be considered normal contrails resulting from normal commercial airline traffic.

Another phenomenon observed to be associated with chemtrail formation is the significance of the local surface wind speed over the dispersion area.  Chemtrail flights are invariably suspended whenever the ground wind speed reaches or exceeds 20 miles per hour (28 kph).  This has been a consistent limiting factor throughout the range of areas where chemtrail activity has been observed and obviously normal contrail activity is never subject to this restriction and can be seen over a wide range of measured surface wind velocities.

So, of what exactly are these Chemtrails composed?  Laboratory analysis of their contents that fall to Earth reveal the presence of several biological agents, Pseudomonas Fluorescens, Streptomyces and a restriction enzyme used to create viruses.   A chemtrail researcher who had been travelling around the country for several years had a medical test which discovered dangerous pathogens in his body, the extremely rare V2 Grippe virus among them, that should only be found in laboratories.  In addition, many samples analysed after falling to the ground as sticky spider-web type substance have been found to contain unusually high traces of metals, and in far higher concentrations than could be expected naturally, particularly aluminium and barium. Strange cloud patterns are not the only by-product of the chemtrail campaign.  There is another, far more sinister side to this phenomenon.

Whether this is a by-product, or the objective of these attacks is yet to be determined.  In either case however, the side effects associated with these chemtrails should be the primary focus of our attention, as this ancillary effect could very well pose a particularly serious threat to every human being living on Earth today.




What a giveaway!  Short of switching off the engines for a second, how else would this effect be achieved?

There are no known health or environmental issues associated with normal contrail emissions.  They appear at this time to be completely harmless and benign.  This same statement, however, cannot be made in the case of authentic chemtrails.  It has been shown by many dedicated researchers and posted extensively on the Internet, that the formation of chemtrails has a direct correlation to the localised, time-synchronised, outbreak of a broad range of primarily, respiratory-related or flu-like illnesses.  In light of this apparent relationship, chemtrails should not be considered inherently benign, but should be treated with caution and indeed concern by those who are either studying them or simply observing them. Since the regular spraying of our skies commenced in the late 1990s, another disturbing phenomenon has been noted and that is its correlation to the outbreak of a flu-like disease, which has been named, ‘Respiratory Distress Syndrome’.

Disturbingly, the components of this illness, namely the chemical, bacterial and fungal elements have been strongly linked to the bio-chemical footprint of Chemtrails. Once again, we see the same pattern unfolding, the denials by government and military agencies and as usual, total and complete avoidance by the media.  Radio, television, and the press alike have all either ignored it completely or in instances where it has been brought to their attention, dismissed it as mass-paranoia or our old favourite, a ‘conspiracy theory’!  Literally thousands of eyewitnesses, with not only photographic proof, but with the entire evidence manifest in the skies above them, have been either totally ignored or dismissed by all the mainstream media organisations.  Up to the current time, no individual researcher has yet been successful in attracting as much as the passing attention of even the smallest of these media organisations.  What is even more interesting and disconcerting is the fact that, with all of the widespread discussion surrounding this phenomenon, its link to a near-epidemic outbreak of a serious and debilitating range of illnesses, and the evidence in the skies right above their offices and studios, not one member of the mainstream media has come forward with a story to discredit the data, contradict the evidence, or calm the growing concerns and justified suspicions of the public.  Is this not the very minimum response that we have a right to expect from any news organisation that claims to serve ‘the people’?   The silence speaks volumes, to my mind.

Hamer, John. The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (p. 518 – p. 522). Rossendale Books. Kindle Edition.

Collated and presented by Graham Bedford.

This article (Chemtrail or Contrail?) was created and published by Free Speech Backlash and is republished here under “Fair Use” with attribution to the author John Hamer


Blocking out the sun to be rid of us

If it is not clear now, when will it be? The cloudseeding continues to block out the sun making people ill.





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