Exposing corruption, lies, incompetence, totalitarianism and all efforts to hoodwink, dupe, disenfranchise, enslave or kill the people. Proposing solutions to the infiltration or hijack of government by psychopaths and other criminals and more benign methods of administering human affairs.


Pedo’s in high places

November 3, 2020 1

by Boudicca If you are concerned about child trafficking please watch this video and support this guy. The film he refers to is A Child’s Voice, expunged by Amazon but still available through VIMEO.com. Production […]


UK government helps boost crime

October 31, 2020 0

Call for an end to UK government helping Big Pharma evade justice. by Fabian Ubiquitus This was posted of Facebook by fellow UKR columnist Felix Colley. “Are there any of my friends that still don’t […]


There is good news!

October 30, 2020 0

by Caratacus Set aside the bleak spin so dedicatedly promoted by the High Priests and True Believers of the Lockdown Death Cult and reflect that: Surely we should rejoice shouldn’t we? COVID could have turned […]


Principles of Benign Governance, Part Four

October 27, 2020 0

by Fabian Ubiquitus Continuing the search for the basic principles and guiding agreements for a government designed and run for all the people. OBSERVATION There are two fundamental concepts of government. Summarised very briefly, they […]

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