Conflicts of interest in SAGE – here’s list to make your hair curl

February 6, 2021 0

Here is another list of resources put together by freedom fighter, Trudie Davis. This concerns the hidden corruption behind the Special Advisory Group on Emergencies (SAGE)   SAGE Conflicts of Interest & Corruption […]


When the corrupt advise the corrupt

November 22, 2020 0

by Caratacus The government’s main advisory body, SAGE, is riddled with vested interests. This explains why the government behaves as if it has lost contact with reality. “[T]he key influencers on SAGE and their conflicts […]


COVID warfare: be afraid, be very afraid, love SAGE

July 12, 2020 1

How Government controls the people with psychological warfare strategy provided by experts on the SAGE committee Introduction: In previous articles we exposed the fake Coronavirus pandemic as a cynical psychological warfare attack upon the nations […]