We can’t afford cops but we can afford marshals

by Jon Davy

The Prime Muppet just posted this on his FB page

“It’s fantastic to see that more than 4,300 have joined the police and more than 100,000 people have applied.

“We’re delivering on our promise to recruit 20,000 officers to make our streets safer.”

My thoughts:

20 000 officers would almost (ALMOST) replace the 23,400 officers lost to Tory cuts

The 4, 300 Johnson brags about still leaves about 19,000 to go.

The police numbers were originally cut due to “austerity measures”! In other words, according to the government, the country could not afford them so we had to economise.

Of course if a country gets into a position where it can no longer afford something it could afford before, it means that its production is insufficient to sustain the standard of living it desires. Assuming that “what it desires” is reasonably sensible, then the way to handle this is to increase production – or, in the case of the UK, turn around declining production and getting it expanding again.

There are many ways to get production to increase. The main one is to stop mucking people about by inhibiting their efforts to get on and produce or penalising them when they do produce.

Alongside that is ceasing to reward people who do not produce goods and service. In other words, no handouts for layabouts, scroungers and similar non-productive parasites such banksters, various oligarchs, criminals, pharmaceutical drug pushers, psychiatrists and people in the City who consume the wealth created by others as a reward for shoveling bits of paper about.

The government’s catastrophic mishandling of the CONVID19 fake pandemic, for instance, has thrown a massive spanner in what is left of our productive capabilities and thereby made the country a hell of a lot poorer even than it was under previous Prime Muppets. So we can  “afford”  the police numbers even less.

Naturally, we then “save money” by reducing the numbers of honest hard working cops instead of making a big saving by reducing the numbers of  the aforementioned parasites, which would have been more sensible as the parasites would not be missed.

Not only that, but the incumbent Prime Muppet just gave to the already-mega-rich Big Pharma front group, the Vaccine Alliance, billions of OUR money. This came after a long chat on the phone (what was said, not known) with his handler, the eugenicist with a  massive financial investment in dodgy vaccines, Bill Gates. The billions given away without consulting us (don’t you just love blokes who splash other people’s hard-earned money about?) will doubtless help the vaccine industry make even more money from a sickly and frightened population but it could have been better spent helping the police force avoid being overworked, over stressed and under manned. Did the clown spare any thought at all for the police when he gave our money away?

Then there are the COVID marshals he plans to introduce as a sort of latter day Stasi to police social distancing due to a bug about as serious – or slightly less so – than a seasonal flu, for which there is at least one cure in any case.

How many billions will it cost to recruit, train, set up, organise and pay these auxiliary secret police? We struggle to keep the police force manned because, we are told, we can’t afford to but we can suddenly afford to finance the setting up of a new force comprising thousands of marshals?

Which do you think would be the most socially useful? A single cop who nicks rapists and drug dealers or a hundred marshals who police social distancing for fear of an epidemic that is less deadly than seasonal flu and happened mainly in Matt Hancock’s brain?

According to the  PM’s post, of the 100,000 who applied to become cops only 4,300 were hired, which means about 95000 or so didn’t make the grade. What’s the betting that these applicants who did not measure up form the recruiting pool for the new Stasi?

We can’t afford proper police officers but we can afford to man up the BJCS  (Boris Johnson’s COVID Stasi)who serve no purpose except to satisfy BJ’s delusions of something-or-other?

I left words to that effect under an alias in my comment on his post.

I highly recommend you “like” his Facemaskbook page and do the same.

Jon Davy writes exclusively for UK Reloaded and The Liberty Beacon project


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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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