UK government hoisted by its own charade?

Coup update by Jon Davy

by UKR columnist Jon Davy

Those operating the Convid psyop op and the resultant coup have a very big problem:

The goal is to cause maximum disruption until the people are so weary of the whole thing they will accept any government measure no matter how insane or dangerous (such as dodgy booby-trapped vaccines, confiscation  of basic  human rights, annulment of democracy, micro-management of people’s lives etc) just so long as it can all be over.

However, that requires they keep up the charade for a long time.

The longer the charade goes on, the more the bare-faced lies and cynical deceptions upon which it is based become apparent.

The longer it goes on, the more the economic, social and other consequences of the damage inflicted upon the nation become apparent – and the more they hurt. At the same time it will become increasingly self evident that the country has undergone a coup. And the more all this will simply piss people off.

Right now the government is getting away with much of its lying and  manipulation because many people still think that if they cooperate “things will get back to normal” next week or the week after. In the UK at least things have been pretty mild for a long time and it’s not yet real to many people that they have stopped being mild and things are not going to return to mild normality for as long as their criminal government is allowed to get away with what it is doing.

It is also not yet quite real to many people that their government can and does work against them with malice aforethought. Yet the number of people for whom it IS real is growing by the day.

So somewhere up ahead, as the consequences really start to hurt and as the patience and cooperation of even the most docile or timid of citizens wears thin (the People will actually put up with a lot before their patience ends), the government is going to have a very serious problem on its hands. The problem will come in the form of a near- or actual revolt and, we trust, the holding to account of Hancock, Johnson and the rest of the coterie of criminals who have hijacked our democracy. And hopefully too the master criminals on whose puppet strings that have so gleefully danced.

Meanwhile, and here we have one of the most encouraging aspects of this attack upon our nation, a very large number of the nations’ citizens have indeed already awoken to the criminal operation being run on them.

It is on the shoulders of  those alert people the future of the nation rests, whilst their more timid fellow citizens, who swallow every blatant and obvious lie they are fed, must shoulder their share of the responsibility for this attack upon the country.

Fortunately the former are in great and  growing numbers.

Fortunately too, their task is simple. It has been made simple because the lies of the enemy are so glaring and outrageous, their entire operation rests upon the shakiest of foundations.

All the patriots  have to do is keep exposing the lies. It requires persistence and repetition to keep stating the same obvious truths over and over until even the semi-comatose wake up. That is what it will take. It is already getting results. I have never seen a dissident movement spring up and multiply so fast. We just need to pour coals on  it. The prize is liberty and a new, higher civilisation.

In a nutshell, here’s a little summary of the obvious truths.

When this caper started, the government’s original effort to terrify the nation was based upon the trotting out of the  mathematical predictions of professor Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College. The now-disgraced professor confidently predicted that “hundreds of thousands ” of people would die of the “new virus”.

Of course, the virus probably isn’t new at all. Chances are it has been around since the year dot and taken as seriously as the “flu” it resembles and for which it was mistaken until somebody noticed it. In the same way, the planet Mercury was around for eons before Galileo spotted it in a telescope.

Of course, the coming to our attention of a virus that has been around for a long time all over the place then causes it to seem to “crop up” everywhere and we have the raw material by which the illusion of an epidemic can be created.

Be that as it may, Ferguson’s flawed predictions were irresponsibly laid upon the nation by our venal Prime  Minister. Yet Ferguson’s appalling track record of recklessly touted and egregiously destructive false predictions during previous “epidemics” was well known. There was no way the government could not have known that this man has an appalling record of making alarming false predictions.

It was upon these flawed predictions by an already discredited “expert” that the nation’s barrage of fear porn and the lockdown were based.

The government chose to use Ferguson as its “expert” because it wanted to – his alarming predictions fitted the overall game plan.  They cannot claim they “didn’t know” the man’s track record – it would have required a level of stupidity and incompetence that beggars belief.

The intent was to terrify using bogus “science” and it was done with malice aforethought.

Those predictions of mass deaths, as we all now know, turned out to be wildly off the mark, the reported deaths being a mere fraction of what we were told they would be.

Then even that number turned out to be false as the various tricks and ruses for inflating the “death stats” became public knowledge.

Then the fiddling (inflating) of the stats for “hospital admissions due to COVID 19” also became known.

So now we have a “virus” that statistically is less likely to kill even people in more vulnerable age groups than a road traffic accident or kill anyone at all than an accident whilst taking a ruddy bath. It is a virus on a par with a seasonal flu and it has taken a great deal of stat manipulation and outright lying by the PM and his cohorts to talk it up into something more sinister than it actually is.

It was also known from the beginning that the virus only kills people who are already very, very old and/or very, very ill. These people could have been protected with better measures to shelter and quarantine them but this was not done as the psyop required as many deaths as possible to maintain the fear factor. It required as many deaths as possible lest the government have no justification for the lockdown it irresponsibly inflicted on the nation.

The selection of a coronavirus as the subject of the psyop was deliberate because a coronavirus has many advantages fear porn-wise. There a many coronaviruses including the common cold and various bugs usually lumped under the term “the flu”. Thus, infection can be made to seem more likely or widespread by talking about “coronavirus” as many people did not understand the distinction. The Health Secretary, for instance continually talks about the number of people infected with “coronavirus” which of course is going to be far higher than the number of people infected with just one of the very common coronaviruses, in this case the COVID19 virus.

The impression of widespread infection has been further exaggerated by finding more and more symptoms for COVID19. These alleged symptoms are identical to the symptoms caused by various seasonal bugs such as the common cold, flu, tummy upsets and so on.  In effect, symptoms of seasonal bugs can be re-categorised as”symptoms of COVID19″ and the “alarming number of infections” or “frightening infection rate” presented to the nation as a justification for more confiscations of liberty and irresponsible tinkering by a government whose leading characters seem increasingly to be having mental health issues as what they are telling us and what is actually happening in the real world outside of the mendacious spin become increasingly contradictory.

Just to give you an idea of this, imagine this scenario. Little Timmy doesn’t feel like going to school one day and pulls off the trick that many kids try at one time or another: he feigns feeling unwell.  If he feigns one or more of the alleged COVD19 symptoms, he will have to self isolate and so has bought himself a couple of weeks off school. His parents meanwhile call the school and report that little Timmy has COVID 19 symptoms and so little Timmy goes on the statistics as another “COVID19 case”.

Another ruse for creating a false epidemic is the use of tests completely unsuited for the purpose. Put briefly, the tests being used detect the presence of remnants of Coronavirus DNA. These can be very small remnants and present in the body if one has had at some time in the past one or more of the coronaviruses, such as a cold or a mild or severe flu and so on. The detecting of the presence of these remnants left over from earlier infections is used to falsely declare that a person “has COVID19”. But as he is not actually ill, he exhibits no symptoms and thus we have the convenient nonsense of large numbers of “asymptomatic” cases.

Or the test detects that a person has, say, a cold or some other mild bug and so we have a large number of cases of “mild symptoms”.

The mind-boggling insanity of shutting down the country because of the spread of an “illness” with no symptoms or mild symptoms should be obvious. We have been invited to participate in national suicide. I don’t know about you but that is a game I ain’t playing.

Yet, with a great and growing number of these tests being  done and returning false COVID19 results all over the country we have the creation of the false picture of the “number of infections increasing”.

Meanwhile, even the falsified the number of “deaths from COVID19” (it is now established that the virus has killed virtually nobody without the help of them already being seriously ill – and even 80% of those survived) has dropped to almost zero.

So the masterminds behind the psyop steer the public’s attention away from the near-zero death stats to the falsely inflated “infections” stats.

The death stats being near zero, having steadily declined for many weeks testify that the “epidemic” is over. Not surprisingly the numbers are no longer the subject of lurid daily updates.

The effort of the confidence tricksters is to keep something that has run its course still alive and a “threat”, at least in the public mind. Thus we witness a disinformation onslaught currently being run in the media and on the internet.

But something based so heavily upon one lie after another dissolves in the presence of the truth like a snowman in the summer sun.

All we have to do is just keep right on telling the truth, telling simply and telling it often with heroic patience.

There is nothing more powerful than an idea.

And an idea based on truth – when communicated – is the most powerful of all.

Keep at it! Let’s tear down the liars from their smoke-and-mirrors throne.

Jon Davy writes exclusively for UK Reloaded

and the Liberty Beacon network


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