The View from the Resistance

Update 24/12/20

by Fabian Ubiquitus

The government has suddenly claimed that there is a 70% more contagious mutation of the COVID19 virus.

The claim thus far lacks a vital element: evidence. MPs, numerous scientists and the general public have called upon the government to back up its claim with some hard evidence.

Thus far, no experimental data, lab test results and so forth that prove the virus has mutated are forthcoming.

The government instead has put forward conjecture, suspicions and concerns that something might be happening as the justification of its latest attack upon the well being of the country.

Critics of the puerile shambles that passes at this time for statesmanship or sound governance have pointed out several things among which are:

* given the severity of the measures justified by alarming government press releases and the damage they will do to a country already reeling form previous damages inflicted on it, some actual evidence would be a good idea. Boris Jonson’s or Matt Hancock’s opinions do not cut it.

* the hope for actual reliable and honest evidence is perhaps a forlorn one because since the beginning of the stage-managed fake “crisis” we have not yet had any. It is now established irrefutably that the mortality statistics were rigged (ie false), the PCR test is fraudulent and the infections/cases statistics consequently false.

* it is not unusual for a virus of the coronavirus family to which the COVID19 virus belongs to mutate. Similar but slightly more deadly viruses such as flu and “common cold” viruses do it all the time. Each time such a virus mutates, the vaccine just developed for it becomes ineffective, which is why no effective vaccine has yet been invented for the coronaviruses.

* we expect the gov to handle this blunder with the “surprising discovery” that the COVID19 mutation is “unusual” in that it does not follow the normal pattern and by a tremendous stroke of luck the dodgy vaccines already developed for it can still be used to”fight” the new virus (albeit we are not sure what that means as the manufacturers cannot claim their vaccines will actually render you immune to the virus although they can promise you that it might, unless it doesn’t).

The latest economic attack, based as it is on conjecture rather than hard evidence, was timed to cause maximum distress and damage over Christmas.

Aspects of that damage include but are not limited to:

* disruption of trade with scores of countries that have isolated the UK due to the government’s assertion of a UK mutation. Why the virus has picked on the UK is not clear.

* the potential wipe-out of thousands of businesses that depend upon Christmas trade for much of their annual revenue.

* wiping it out the economy paves the way for a corporate takeover of whatever is left of the ruins of British enterprise.

The plan requires inflicting on the people a high degree of hardship, misery, poverty and so forth. Taking a series of hits, the country gets a little “punch drunk” and is in a somewhat suggestible state of mind in which its confidence in itself it eroded as well as being plain miserable.

This when some corporate con men come along with a “solution to all our troubles” that by an incredible coincidence will also be really really really good for those very same corporate interests.

The nation will be in a receptive state of mind, having been bludgeoned into it, and perfectly willing to play the minor price of shutting the doors forever on liberty and chucking away the ruddy key.

Well, is what they are hoping for.

Whether that is what they will get will depend on how many Britons are fighters and how many are sheep.

The latest attack, in which a previously unheard-of “Tier 4” was trundled out like a secret weapon and launched against London and the South East, was timed precisely to coincide with Parliament going into Christmas recess.

Thus Parliament was unable to debate the new measures, a legal requirement with the new measures legally unenforceable until that is done.

Why the gov sought to avoid Parliament is unclear as it has thus far had Parliament under its thumb, rubber-stamping its edicts as if our governance is now a constitutional democracy in the way that the Monarchy became a constitutional monarchy (all the trapping and rituals of a monarchy but not actual power).

We surmise that this in effect places not just the government in breach of the law but also any institutions or agencies or the officers and agents thereof who attempt to enforce the illegal measures, also in breach of the law.

The event marks further evidence of a coup in which Democracy had been all but dissolved and the country is now being governed by edicts given out by Ministers in press briefings and forwarding the agenda of hidden corporate interests.

Many observers are now pointing out that the evidence that the country is under attack from enemies whose proxies and agents have been infiltrated into our government its ministries and advisory bodies is too strong to be ignored.

One Oxford University Professor said of the latest assertion of the existence of a mutation or “variant” (whatever that means): “I’ve been doing this job for 25 years and I can tell you can’t establish a quantifiable number in such a short time frame.”

Other sources have pointed out that as the COVID19 virus has itself never been isolated (ie located and observed as a distinct entity as opposed to a theoretical or deduced one). It is difficult to argue the existence of a mutation of something whose existence has not yet been proven.

(Analogy: Jaguar cars announce the launch of the 2021 model of their 2020 “Jaguar Vaxinator.” The 2020 model of the Vaxinator has been talked about and praised at great length all over the media for months so that everybody is really excited about the 2020 Jag Vaxinator. And now they are even more excited about the 2o21 version, which is even better than the previous model!

Except that it turns out that nobody anywhere has atcually seen the 202 Jag Vaxinator, no photos of it exist but “everybody knows” it exists because everybody is talking about it! Etcetera….

Others also point out that the main case for the accelerated spread of the alleged virus is an acceleration of testing that in turn has produced an acceleration of “positives”.

Yet these positives are based on the PCR test, which has been exposed time and again as unable to establish the existence in anyone of a live infectious COV19 virus.

What the test is actually detecting are minute traces (often VERY minute) of the remnants of the DNA of previous colds and flu (coronaviruses) the person may have been infected with and even then to detect even these miniscule remnants, sometimes the samples being tested have to be magnified in excess of a trillion time.

This use of the PCR test renders all statistics and theories based on it fraudulent themselves.

Moreover, the “positive” result is then used to designate a “COVID case”. In other words, when a person is tested and tests positive, they are declared to be a “COVID cases”. NO OTHER CRITERIA are used to “diagnose” a COVID case, not symptoms, nothing. The false positive is all that is required.

This should tell everyone – and I mean everyone – that what is being run here is a complete and massive fraud of which the “accelerated” infections are but one aspect.

Yet subversive factions installed at Suppression Central launched their attack on London and the South East of the UK by plunging it into a fresh lockdown over the weekend.

The economic fallout from this latest offensive against the nation looks set to be considerable as scores of countries have all responded to the UK government’s latest psychotic episode by banning travel to and from the UK.

Scientists are demanding to see any evidence that there is a 70% more contagious mutant strain of COVID, having not been shown anything by the government.

A handful of MPs have also squeaked up in evidence that the corpse of Parliamentary democracy is at least still twitching.

All there has been thus far from the government has been some talk of “concern” and “fears” that this might be the case and the inference that the gov has “taken advice” from”scientists” but no specifics as to what advice, what it is based on exactly and from whom.

The Daily Mail reports that Carl Heneghan, Professor of Evidence Based Medicine at Oxford University’s Nuffield Department of Primary Care, has expressed scepticism over the 70 per cent figure:

“I’ve been doing this job for 25 years and I can tell you can’t establish a quantifiable number in such a short time frame . . . Every expert is saying it’s too early to draw such an inference . . . I would want to have very clear evidence rather than ‘we think it’s more transmissible’ so we can see if it is or not . . . It has massive implications, it’s causing fear and panic, but we should not be in this situation when the Government is putting out data that is unquantifiable.”

According to the government, the ‘mutant strain’ has been circulating since September and Prime Minister Boris Johnson is using it to justify literally cancelling Christmas, his new edict carefully timed to come just after Parliament has gone into recess.

The data the government alleges it has on the ‘new strain’ of COVID comes from “analysis” by an advisory body named (don’t laugh) The New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (Nervtag).

One member of this group of “experts” is one Professor Neil Ferguson, world famous for his flawed mathematical models and catastrophically wrong predictions. This tells you all you need to know about the reliability of Nervtag.

As one observer told this reporter, “It utterly beggars belief. That our country is in the hands of such buffoons is a hundred times more terrifying than this flu virus.

No one has seen the new data, with the Prime Minster noting it is “early data, “subject to review” but “It’s the best we have at the moment.” In other words the destruction of the country has been accelerated on the basis of an unverified opinion or assertion.

Announcing the previously non-existent ‘Tier Four’ restriction level, Johnson added in the puerile manner we have cone to expect from this charlatan, that it was happening because of a “change in the science”.

A what? God help us is this inept dimwit actually running the country?

Millions of British citizens, fed up with hearing assertions that the gov is “following the science” instead of a blatant political agenda, are asking:

“What science specifically? And how can you change something that has not thus far existed?”

The response by MPS both Tory and the Labour Fake Opposition, has on the whole been marked by the apathy or outright collusion with which Parliament has submitted to the Johnson/Hancock coup. Yet there has been a faint spark of sentience from that quarter with some conservative MPs calling for all the scientific evidence the government has to be made public. Presumably written on the back of a postage stamp will suffice.

We are confident that in time the government will be able to produce enough spin, junk science and flannel to satisfy all but those very few MPs who truly give a rat’s ass about the well being of their country.

Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith accused the government of being ‘bounced by the science’, noting that Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty and Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance are ‘stepping back into the shadows when it suits them’.

This, as far as “being rebellious” is concerned is pretty feeble and as for fighting for your country is right up there with tutting at Genghis Khan as he sweeps down from the Steppes to pillage everything in sight.

In the theatre or TV game show known as “Parliament”, we guess it creates a wafer thin pretence that there are still MPs who really give a crap but that is about it.

Former minister Sir Desmond Swayne who stands out among the invertebrates as someone with the semblance of a spine, said,

“The arrangements for Christmas were explicitly voted on by Parliament. If they’re to be changed then in my view, Parliament should vote again. . . . Parliament voted explicitly for a certain set of arrangements, it seems to be perfectly proper therefore that Parliament should be consulted when those are changed, irrespective of the Government acting in an emergency, nevertheless it’s perfectly proper to recall Parliament at the beginning of this week to at least ratify those changes”.

Swayne noted that MPs haven’t even been given any evidence to justify the heightened restrictions, and that a third of the country was effectively imprisoned via a press conference.

“Explain to us – we are after all a democracy …” [don’t laugh dear reader, we think he meant it] “… explain to the elected representatives the evidence that they have and why they’ve reached this decision. . . . They’ve been looking at it since September and how convenient when Parliament went into recess on Thursday suddenly they were then able to produce this revelation . . . Let’s see the evidence then, let’s have Parliament back and show us and convince us, come clean . . . I want Parliament to be recalled so we can scrutinise properly in a democracy decisions that are being made which affect our economy radically and our liberty.”

His words raise a question of how come, if this mutation has been know about for months, the PM is asserting that this is “early data, “subject to review” and “It’s the best we have at the moment.” More lies?

Plus, if it was known about earlier how come other countries knew nothing about it? If it had been true, they would have been told, surely, and taken action back then to shut their borders.

And here we have yet more about this fiasco that makes no ruddy sense.

Parliament itself may of course be mere stage-managed theatre with our “representatives” heroically returning from their Christmas Hols to “debate” the issue, then rubber-stamp it as they had always planned to do but the big show of a “democratic” debate gives the subversive faction some bogus legitimacy.

We can hear the cries now,

“Look, see! We debated it – carefully avoided any mention of the PCR test on which the whole hoax hinges being a complete fraud – and found our Wise Leader and his Cohorts had been right all along to stuff the citizenry!”

This is not a democracy.

This is a con game.

How much longer will we submit to being the patsies?


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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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