The allergy pandemic – are we poisoning our kids and, if so, with what?

Featured article by Amber Hill

I am often asked why, in my opinion, the reasons behind allergies are increasing globally.

I believe the answer to be multi layered.At a basic level, our food has become impure, with pesticide and herbicide use, widespread use of glyphosate, whether that be on residential gardens or crop fields, and the plethora of artificial, lab-made preservatives, food colourings, sweeteners and flavours.

Glyphosate alone has been linked to cancers, with a man being awarded 289 million dollars after a court ruled that Monsanto’s glyphosate “Round-Up” product had caused his cancer. Monsanto ordered to pay $289 million in world’s first Roundup cancer trial | Reuters The links between glyphosate and allergies have also been made with numerous articles and studies evidencing this: Argentinian City Discovers Strong Link Between Glyphosate Exposure and Asthma (

And the pretty conclusive NIH article finding that fish exposed to glyphosate displayed symptoms mirroring coeliac disease. Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance – PMC (

It has been noted that pig intestines can no longer be used to make sausages, despite this being a common practice for centuries. This is down to the glyphosate in the pig feed, breaking down the gut microbiome of the pigs, leading to what we would call Leaky Gut Syndrome. So, while the links between glyphosate, the sharp rise of Leaky Gut Syndrome / gut permeability and allergic / intolerant reactions being seemingly obvious, this is something the western food industry seems totally prepared to quietly brush under the carpet.

While companies like Monsanto and Bayer continue to produce glyphosate and other bee-killing chemicals, they are also heavily involved in the genetic modification of food (GMO). There are no long-term studies on GMO or “Frankenfoods” as they have so often been referred to. Evaluation of endogenous allergens for the safety evaluation of genetically engineered food crops: review of potential risks, test methods, examples and relevance – PubMed (

A search of many similar articles all showed that the data is just not there. There is not enough evidence to present either way. An allergic person would just avoid the allergen, regardless of whether a food was GMO or otherwise – but it was notable that many of the articles did not state that studies had been done to link GMO’s to the decline of health or not. There is no long-term data. The studies have not been done.

We simply ARE the experiment.

And with the overall increase in allergic reactions, and the decline of health overall in western society, this leaves a huge question mark over GMO foods, all while the debate rages on. But surely the real question is, can a multi-billion-dollar industry that profits from the sale of bee-killing chemicals, be trusted to feed the world safely? Especially as they attempted to lie about the safety of their product? Lawsuit Claims Monsanto Lied About Roundup Safety – Legal Reader

Another reason may be that in our grandparent’s generation, food was eaten seasonally and the availability of imported foods was low. Now we have foods available to us all year round, flown from far corners of the globe, out of season, and non-indigenous foods at that. Many food intolerances simply come from overeating the same foods over and over again, so the changes in our behaviour with food may also play a part. Historically the entire animal was used, for soups and bone broths, and organ meats, and these were seen as having nutritional benefits, and this is something that we rarely do in modern society, another change that may have made a difference. Many years ago, “cooking from scratch” was the norm, and now most foods come from a jar, bottle or packet. The rise in microwave meals, processed and packaged foods, convenience and fast-food has also led to the decline in our health, so the link could also be made to an increase in toxicity and a decline in nutrition.  Nutrition affects EVERY cell in our body. The health of our cells is dependent on diet and lifestyle. We are no longer eating food, we are eating food-like products, which our bodies, at some point, may inevitably reject and become intolerant or allergic to.

The increase in allergic and intolerant reactions can, in my opinion, also be linked to vaccination.

Back in the 1970’s, vaccination in the UK was predominantly limited to three vaccines: tetanus, polio and diphtheria, with occasional other vaccines required for travel, for example the smallpox vaccine being required for travel to Canada. The vaccine schedule has increased phenomenally, with children in America being required to take approximately 76 shots before the age of 18 in some states, if they are mandatory for educational placement. And mirroring the increase in the vaccine schedule, has come the increase in allergic reactions, food intolerance, autism, ADHD, autoimmune disease, childhood cancers, childhood diabetes and SIDS. Studies on this issue are frankly noticeable by their absence.

The potential dangers of vaccination is the single biggest medical elephant in the room. It’s the topic we are not allowed to discuss. Anyone who speaks out against the pro-vaccine narrative is subjected to being discredited and to a smear campaign, such as in the story of Dr Andrew Wakefield, a gastroenterologist who had simply said that “more research was needed” after finding a link between the autistic children who were brought into his clinic with severe gastro-intestinal issues.

He discovered that the adjuvants in combination vaccines such as the three-in-one MMR, were causing a breakdown of the gut microbiome in these children. Vaccines also contain highly toxic metals such as thimerosal (a form of mercury) and aluminium, of which there is no safe injectable limit, plus a plethora of animal matter, polysorbate 80 which opens the blood brain barrier, and other toxic ingredients, all of which are likely to increase the toxic load to the body. Deadly Truth About Vaccinations (A Must See ! ! !) | Danny Boy Limerick ( The true nature of vaccines seems to be relegated to “conspiracy theory” style websites, yet the claims made can be verified by simply reading the vaccine package insert.

Documentaries such as The Truth About Vaccines delve deep into how the increase in the vaccine schedule is leading to the demise of our children’s health. Back in the 1970’s, allergic reactions were incredibly rare, with approximately one child in 250 experiencing an allergy of some kind, and mostly hay fever at that. It’s been estimated in 2022 that nearly 1 in 2 children have an allergy or an intolerance of some kind, with Epi-Pen Walls being present in almost all schools. A Harvard study of VAERS, estimated that only 1% of vaccine injuries are actually reported: Harvard Vaccine Injury Study revealed a fewer than 1 % report rate in VAERS ( so vaccine injury and the allergic reactions they cause, may be far higher than what we know. How many parents haven’t made the link between their child’s vaccines and their allergies?

The phrase “vaccines are safe and effective” has never been proven, either scientifically or in a court of law.

I conducted my own experiment outside a Covid vaccine bus in St Albans, UK and asked 246 people over three days, if before or after their shot, they were told about the possibility for adverse reactions, and if they had been told about the Government’s Yellow Card Scheme, to report to if they had a reaction.  Every single person said no, they had not, so this might explain why so few reactions are reported.  The Open VAERS website showed a large number in allergic reactions (and deaths) post Covid vaccination in children: Child Summaries ( so in my opinion this simply cannot be ignored or ruled out as a cause for the rise in allergies.

To summarise, the rise in allergies and other symptoms are our collective warning system, the method of communicating to us that we are doing something wrong and collectively we are not listening.

Humans are finding more and more ways to live a toxic lifestyle with allergic reactions and chronic disease being normalised, which is of course, anything but normal.

We are collectively sicker and more allergic than we have ever been. With mainstream medicine relying little on the body’s natural capability to heal itself with clean food, clean air and clean water, and focusing heavily on vaccination, antibiotics, steroids and other medicines instead, are we creating more problems for ourselves further down the line? Only time will tell, but I am sure that one day, the people of the future will look at what we are doing now and think we were crazy to believe that injecting and eating poisons would keep us healthy.


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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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