All sorts of things nobody saw coming

April 8, 2021 0

by Jon Davy So I keep hearing from the gov and other sources in and around the centre of operations of the ongoing attack on the country how “well researched and safety-checked” the vaccines and […]


Vaccine Papers – An Objective Look at Vaccine Dangers

August 16, 2019 0

Vaccine advocates are addicted to the lazy, intellectually vapid practice of “argument by authority”. For them, all that’s required to answer the questions of vaccine dangers is to assert the CDC, WHO, and AAP as “authorities” and parrot […]


Vaccines: sensible government versus stupid government

June 30, 2019 0

by Steve Cook Situation A great deal of consternation and debate emerges about the safety, efficacy or otherwise of vaccines. many citizens are genuinely concerned, particularly over what their children are being injected with, the […]

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