The Freedom Alliance – the way forward

October 25, 2022 0

Intro by Steve Cook We highly recommend the Freedom Alliance Party initiative to you. It presents a strategy we must all  get behind in order to sweep aside the tyrannical power grab orchestrated by the […]


Stand Together, march together, win together

December 21, 2021 0

Stvve Cook  December 21, 2021 This was posted by those great people of the Awakened Pages group. They exemplify the spirit of our Liberty Reset in which awakened and enlightened groups communities and individuals look […]


Why are governments trying to commit suicide?

December 5, 2021 1

by Steve Cook Something very strange is going on.  Governments appear to be trying to commit suicide, particularly those now proposing to make Covid vaccination compulsory. I can think of nothing more guaranteed to make […]

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