
There is good news!

October 30, 2020 0

by Caratacus Set aside the bleak spin so dedicatedly promoted by the High Priests and True Believers of the Lockdown Death Cult and reflect that: Surely we should rejoice shouldn’t we? COVID could have turned […]


What’s our “thing”?

October 29, 2020 0

by Steve Cook Take a person who is obsessed about their aches and pains or who has some illness or other that is their “thing”. The “thing” dominates and shapes their life, restricts their activity […]


Avoid the cure, avoid prevention, ramp up the threat

September 26, 2020 1

Introduction The following article is from the Medical Express and further exemplifies the growing trend for the media to break ranks with the government’s narrative and the unhealthy agenda that drives it. It gives further […]

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