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Following the good example set by the more responsible of governments such as Russia which has even banned U.S. Corn and Soybean Imports because Of GMO Contamination, the number of countries that have taken the sensible step of banning GMOs is growing. Unfortunately that roll of honour, whilst including Scotland, does not include the whole of the UK.
In other words, while the Scottish Assembly has taken steps to protect its people and its land from the dangers of Genetically Modified Organisms and the reckless lunatics of Monsanto, the government in London cares so little for the futures of the people of England and Wales it continues to stand idly by while criminal elements within Big Agra continue to wreak environmental carnage.
There is so little to recommend GMOs (which don’t even increase crop yields), so few (in fact, none) benefits to compensate for the threat they pose to the health of the consumer and the food chain on which we all depend and so much to recommend more sensible and beneficial alternatives (such as proper land husbandry and organic food) one wonders why GMOs are still around at all. One wonders too why their purveyors, the likes of Monsanto, are not only tolerated but protected by some governments.
What hold do the people of Monsanto have over our political “representatives”? Is it financial? Blackmail? Threats? Who knows? But something does not sit right, something does not make sense here in government’s apparent apathy in the face of a very real threat to health and environment from a seriously flawed product.
Perhaps it is naively optimistic of me to expect the UK to have a government that works for all the people, when it clearly doesn’t. But it is high time we demanded to have such a government before the criminals it spinelessly lets do what they like get us all killed.
Meanwhile, there is a string to pull here: HOW COME our government continues to bend a servile knee to clearly criminal corporate interests? If anyone has any data in this regard, please leave a comment. – Steve
BREAKING NEWS: Poland Becomes 14th European Nation to Officially Ban GMOs
Continuing a trend of GMO bans sweeping across Europe, the nation of Poland has officially announced its decision to join 13 other nations so far in excluding Monsanto’s controversial crops from its nation’s farmland.
The announcement came via Informacyjna Agencja Radiowa (IAR) – a press agency working with Polskie Radio in Poland, according to this article published by Radio Poland.
Poland will now “opt out” of growing GMOs, with a specific focus on Monsanto’s genetically modified maize, which many countries fear will contaminate its natural crops if allowed to grow within their borders.
Opposition to genetically engineered foods has been strong in Europe for decades and has resulted in mass protests including widespread participation in previous incarnations of the March Against Monsanto movement.
Poland Becomes 14th Nation to Opt Out
The announcement is being celebrated by the GMO free and organic movement, but it doesn’t necessarily come as a surprise based on what’s been happening across Europe.
Poland is now the 14th nation to exercise a ban on GMOs, joining Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Latvia, Italy, Germany, Scotland, Wales, Lithuania, Austria, Ireland, France, and Greece.
The final opt-out decision date for the remaining European countries is October 3.
The Polish people have long been opposed to GMOs, and that opposition came to a head earlier this year as Polish farmers protested in the streets, even taking to their tractors and shutting down motorways to send a message about foreign influences taking over their industry while also showing their disapproval of GMO crops.
The country is already among numerous European nations that prohibit GMOs, but this announcement makes it official that Monsanto’s genetically engineered crops will not be allowed in Poland moving forward.
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