There’s a war on for your planet

December 11, 2021 0

by Fabian Ubiquitus The effort by government to restrict our traditional freedoms to express views, protest and so forth is an effort to build defences in anticipation of the coming storm and civil unrest, if […]


We are heading for a revolt

August 30, 2021 1

by Fabian Ubiquitus Right now the criminal factions that have hijacked governments such as the UK are terrified. The vax deaths and injuries are accumulating vast numbers. Some estimates put the vax deaths globally at […]


Dear Globalists, we can see you!

August 26, 2021 0

by Fabian Ubiquitus From what I can tell, some globalist-run governments are terrified of their people. And like a cornered cat they hiss and spit and try to make themselves look big.   Hence the […]


The Dangerous Environment Caper and the Covadoodlebug

July 19, 2021 0

OPINION/COMMENTARY by Fabian Ubiquitus There is a caper known as the “dangerous environment routine” which is a psychological warfare tool used by suppressive persons in governments and places of influence to terrorise, cow and control […]

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