Operation Gladio

Who are the merchants of chaos amplifying your fears?

May 6, 2019 0

Chaos is being engineered in Europe, alomgside the ruthless dismantling of several nations in the Middle East. Someone is sure engaged in an increasingly desperate effort to make everyone hate Muslims, strengthen the security state […]


Merchant of Chaos and the engineering of dismay

April 28, 2019 0

Editor’s note. This excellent article from Zero Hedge is from 2016. We thought it worth re-stating as it gives a very fine background on how a manipulative gobalist financier can bring chaos, dismay and misery […]

No Picture

Blair, Kelly and invisible weapons.

October 20, 2016 0

by Dave Randle Greying his temples and introducing a contrite quaver into his voice might have helped take some of the chill out of Chilcot for him, but Tony Blair’s treachery didn’t begin and end […]

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