Dare to dream, unite and win!

May 14, 2020 0

This is a plea from the heart. by Fabian Ubiquitus It is becoming clearer by the day that the COVID19 “pandemic” and the Lockdown comprise a cleverly orchestrated attack by the globalist criminal cartels upon […]


There’s more than one way to skin a ruddy cat

April 25, 2020 0

Introducing the 5G People’s Petition Right, so there was a petition raised by concerned citizens on Change-dot-Org concerning 5G that was going great guns. It got to about 150,o00 signatures before the masterminds of Change […]


Reasons to be cheerful

November 3, 2019 0

The recent news that the UK government is to respond to public demand and halt fracking in England combined with other events demonstrates some important things: We, The People, can if we put our mind […]

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