What’s causing the soaring post-jab death toll? And why no urgent investigation?

As the death toll soars, the disinterest of the globalist puppet government speaks volumes

Intro by Steve Cook

The following letter from the office of US Senator Ron Johnson should set the alarm bells ringing all across the planet.

At least it certainly would where the governments of nations are in the hands of honest people who care about the wellbeing of their citizens.

The documented rise in a slew of serious illnesses in the vaxed is nothing short of catastrophic.

If the mass injection of personnel with experimental biochemical agents is responsible, then the casualties inflicted upon the US military by its own brass is nothing short of an act of war. Indeed, the US military looks likely to sustain more casualties from this biochemical attack by implanted subversives than it has in many recent wars combined.

If the casualties inflicted on the US military are typical of the harm done by the experimental bioweapons foisted under false pretences on entire population under the guise of “vaccines”, then we are looking at one of the worst catastrophes  ever inflicted upon unwitting nations.

If the cause of these illnesses and deaths is nothing to do with the experimental pseudo  vaccines as those responsible for them assert – and it is all merely an incredible coincidence that they have occurred in the immediate aftermath of the pseudo-vax rollout – then we really must find out what IS causing it because we are witnessing death and illness on a massive scale.

Who would not be interested in finding out what is causing these illnesses and deaths not just in the US military but in the vaxed population across the planet?

What government in its right mind and with a shred of diligence would not want to investigate what is happening very rigorously so as to safeguard its citizens?

An what government would not wholeheartedly support, promote, foster and facilitate such a rigorous, impartial, honest and open investigation except a government with blood on its hands?

As the death toll soars, the disinterest of government speaks volumes.


So far as the US is concerned, the killing of its own soldiers through “vaccines” somas to make money for the government’s Big Pharma puppet masters is not new. There are precedents such as the estimated deaths of 35000 US servicemen through the anthrax jab, Read about this here.

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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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