Strong Voices in the Land: Piers Corbyn

September 30, 2020 0

We are now running a new regular feature: Strong Voices in the Land. In it we bring to your attention Freedom Fighters and Truth Warriors whose strong voices should be heard. The least we can […]


Enemies of the People

September 30, 2020 0

by Steve Cook There is not an MP in the House who is not aware that the COVID19 “pandemic” is a fake, that the deaths stats were falsified and the “second wave” is also a […]


Strong Voices in the Land: Tara Dean

September 29, 2020 0

Intro We are now running a new regular feature: Strong Voices in the Land. In it we bring to your attention Freedom Fighters and Truth Warriors whose strong voices should be heard. The first of […]


How to keep the Pandemic going forever

September 29, 2020 1

Introduction The COVID19 “pandemic” is now shaping up to be less severe than an annual flu. We have been prey to a massive con perpetrated by a clique of crooks working the puppet strings of […]


Who or what is driving the Prime Muppet?

September 26, 2020 0

Introduction The article featured below is a well written piece from Middle East Eye, which we recommend for more interesting articles. We are featuring it because it addresses the subject of “what the heck is […]


Avoid the cure, avoid prevention, ramp up the threat

September 26, 2020 1

Introduction The following article is from the Medical Express and further exemplifies the growing trend for the media to break ranks with the government’s narrative and the unhealthy agenda that drives it. It gives further […]


Fact Checking in a nutshell . . .

September 25, 2020 0

by Jon Davy Newspapers are operations where journalists try to convince us of what is or isn’t true. The newspaper industry have never been noted for their noble allegiance to the truth and have always […]

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